The Democrat party in Congress is a Marxist cult; the Republicans are a college fraternity. – American Thinker

Democrats in and out of Congress and every leftist propagandist in the media are now committed Marxists. They no longer even pretend to respect or value the Constitution. They are now pushing Critical Race Theory 状语从句as if their lives depend on promoting outright racism as the essence of America.

CRT teaches hatred and victimhood; it is the antithesis of our founding principles. Our Marxist left supports BLM and Antifa as well, anarchist groups定语从句 to whom they’ve given free rein to riot, loot, and burn down countless cities and businesses.

The Marxist left is on board with the campaign to defund our police. The cities 定语从句that have done so are in worse shape than ever, crime and murder rates are soaring.

They support the invasion occurring on the southern border. Tens of thousands of migrants have been ushered into the US at the rate of about six thousand a day! The Biden administration then secretly buses or flies these “children,” (adult young men) into the interior, preferably red states 定语从句who then must bear the cost of feeding and housing them and the criminal element among them.

It is an evil and destructive scheme 不定式主语to so weaken America that the Chinese can complete their takeover of our nation. They own Biden and have mountains of blackmailable material on Hunter. And with this administration’s absurd focus on diversity over merit, skin color over qualifications, the country is in freefall.

Meanwhile, the mostly hapless Republicans behave like members of a wholly unserious college fraternity. Yes, there are some heroes in both the House and Senate but too few to fight the Alinskyite Marxists 定语从句who take pride in their underhandedness. Too many of them have voted to confirm Biden’s quiver of cobras.

They would much rather please the leftist media by going after their own than actually fighting the Democrats. Newsflash! Conservatives like Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) more than they like Kevin McCarthy! They love Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, and Tom Cotton and they are done with Romney, Cheney, Collins, and Murkowski.

Consider Gov. Ducey in AZ. He just vetoed the election integrity bill. That tells us everything 定语从句we need to know about him and his fellow GOP traitors like Gov. Kemp of GA. In both Arizona and Georgia, traitorous RINOs operated on the side of the Democrats in their mutual effort to defeat Trump.

In Georgia, the Board of Elections has hired two high-profile criminal lawyers! Not election law lawyers, heavy-hitter criminal lawyers, the kind you hire状语从句 if you’re worried about being found guilty.

At this point in time, just about everyone knows the 2020 election involved a great deal of criminality. Do the Republicans unite to fight the election fraud? No, they do not. But for the few 定语从句who actually seek to represent their constituents, the rest of them flap their wings, make a little noise and fold like cheap suits. Like college frat boys, they are afraid to do anything that might derail their future wealth-enhancing lobbying potential or affect their DC social calendar.

And状语从句 if there is any doubt about the Marxist left’s intention to destroy classic liberalism and what remains of Western Civilization’s Judeo-Christian moral and ethical code, one has to look no further than their fervent intent to eradicate gender, to convince children that girls can be boys and vice versa. On this score, they have elevated cancel culture to a form of mass hysteria. God forbid someone uses the wrong pronoun preferred by a member of the new and exalted trans community. The left is promoting gender dysphoria as fast and furiously as the media can make possible. They are destroying countless lives in the process, but they celebrate their success.

BLM opposes the nuclear family with equal fervor. Classic Marxist/Alinsky/BLM:

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages”定语从句 that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”

This has been removed from the BLM website but have no doubt that this is one of their primary goals, along with tarring every Caucasian or Asian person on the planet with the mantle of racism.

This is how the left pretends to be anti-racist when in fact they are the most egregious racists in this country and have been since before the Civil War. It was Democrats who loved and profited from slavery, who instituted Jim Crow, who to this day oppose voter ID so they can cheat. It is the Democrat party that believes itself to be a set of superior beings, elites meant to rule over our 330m people. With their covid restrictions and vaccine mandates, they are moving closer and closer to the tactics of each of those three genocidal tyrants of the last century.

状语从句If there is still any doubt同位语从句 that the Democrat party has embraced Marxism fully, consider their affection for criminals. They abhor the Second Amendment. They want to take guns away from law-abiding citizens 状语从句so that only the criminals will have them. Blue states are releasing thousands of felons, murderers, and sex offenders among them, into their cities, endangering the law-abiding population.

In NY, SF, and LA criminals no longer need to post bail and are released within hours of committing major crimes. Naturally, they commit more crimes. These felons are chronic recidivists and are a plague on their communities. George Floyd was just such a person but the left now reveres him as some sort of icon. How pathetic is that?

The elected Democrats have declared war on America in every way possible and the Republicans do precious little to stop them. They act as though their hands are tied. Would it kill them 不定式主语to unite as a party and fight for what is right? Election integrity, a secure border, the truth of biological gender, for our police and for law and order, for an objective media rather than the ridiculous propaganda spewed forth daily by CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of their outlets?

The notion that “Despots are elected and deposed, Laws are passed and repealed, Nations rise and fall, but Individual liberty is eternal” (A. E. Samaan) is not true, as any person定语从句 who suffered under Stalin, Hitler or Mao can attest. Our elected frat boy Republicans have rendered themselves powerless 状语从句so it is up to every citizen to fight the Marxists any way they can. Our individual liberty is indeed at stake.

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