警官说,周三凌晨,一名男子故意驾驶一辆卡车撞向新奥尔良著名的波旁街的大量人群,造成至少 10 人死亡,数十人受伤,当时狂欢者正在庆祝新年。
新奥尔良警察局长安妮・柯克帕特里克说,这名男子开车绕过路障,以 “非常故意的行为” 冲向波旁街,然后跳下车,开始与警方交火。
市长拉托亚坎特雷尔周三早上谈到大屠杀时说,“新奥尔良市受到恐怖袭击,” 联邦调查局调查了留在现场的可能简易爆炸物。
警方称,这起悲惨事件发生在凌晨 3 点 15 分左右的法国区附近波旁街和运河街的交叉口,靠近狂欢者聚集在一起观看该市除夕烟花的地方。
At least 10 people were killed and dozens were injured early Wednesday morning after a man intentionally drove a truck into massive crowds of people on the famous Bourbon Street in New Orleans, as revelers were celebrating the new year, officials said.
New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick said the man drove around barricades and hurtled down Bourbon Street in “very intentional behavior” then jumped out of the vehicle and started exchanging gunfire with police.
“The city of New Orleans was impacted by a terrorist attack,” Mayor LaToya Cantrell said of the carnage early Wednesday, as the FBI investigated possibly improvised explosives left at the scene.
The tragic incident took place at the intersection of Bourbon and Canal Streets in the French Quarter neighborhood at around 3:15 a.m., close to where revelers had gathered to watch the city’s New Year’s Eve fireworks, police said.
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