
Source: What will Trump do when he takes office as US president?

他们过去常常谈论前 100 天,即对新任美国总统进行初步评判的时间段。理由是,到 100 天时,总统已经任命了关键职位的人选,他们已经传达了优先事项,进行了首次外交尝试,并在国会进行了首次立法斗争。然而,唐纳德·特朗普谈论的不是 100 天。相反,他的重点是“第一天”:他计划在 1 月 20 日就职后立即做什么。他已经半开玩笑地说,他将当“一天的独裁者”,他将“钻探、钻探、钻探”(指取消环境限制和扩大石油和天然气勘探),他的改革速度将如此之快,“当你看到将要发生的事情时,你会头晕目眩”。 他承诺关闭与墨西哥的边境、驱逐数百万无证移民、撤销拜登政府的环境计划、赦免 2021 年暴动中冲进国会大厦的暴徒并结束乌克兰战争。“在特朗普总统任期的第一天,”他在去年的一次竞选集会上说,“我将恢复旅行禁令,暂停难民入境,并将恐怖分子赶出我们的国家,就像我以前做的那样。”

They used to talk about the first 100 days, the period of time over which an incoming US president should initially be judged. By 100 days, the reasoning went, the president has their appointees ensconced in key posts, they have communicated their priorities, made their first diplomatic forays and fought their first legislative battles in Congress.

Donald Trump, however, is not talking about 100 days. Rather, his focus is on “Day One”: what he plans to do immediately once he is inaugurated on January 20. He has already half-joked that he’ll be a “dictator for a day”, that he’ll be “drill, drill, drilling” (a reference to lifting environmental restraints and expanding oil and gas exploration) and the speed of his reforms will be such that “your head will spin when you see what’s going to happen”.

He has promised to, among other things, close the border with Mexico, deport millions of undocumented migrants, wind back the Biden administration’s environmental programs, pardon rioters who stormed the Capitol in the 2021 insurrection and end the war in Ukraine. “On day one of the Trump presidency,” he said at one campaign rally last year, “I’m restoring the travel ban, suspending refugee admissions, and keeping terrorists the hell out of our country, like I had it before.”

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