特朗普在签署旨在加强美国对伊朗制裁的行政命令时告诉记者,“如果他们这样做,他们将被消灭 。我留下了指示 – 如果他们这样做,他们就会被抹去。 不会留下任何东西”。
伊朗官员长期以来一直发誓要报复特朗普 2020 年决定授权无人机袭击,杀死伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队圣城旅指挥官卡西姆・苏莱曼尼。 近年来,美国情报机构报告了多起针对特朗普和其他前高级官员的伊朗阴谋。
President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he has left orders for Iran to face total destruction if it attempts to assassinate him, as federal authorities continue to track threats from Tehran.
“If they did that, they would be obliterated,” Trump told reporters while signing an executive order aimed at intensifying U.S. sanctions on Iran. “I’ve left instructions—if they do it, they get obliterated. There won’t be anything left.”
Trump’s remarks come amid heightened tensions between the U.S. and Iran, as federal officials continue to monitor threats against him and former members of his first administration.
Iranian officials have long vowed retaliation for Trump’s 2020 decision to authorize a drone strike that killed Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force. In recent years, U.S. intelligence agencies have reported multiple Iranian plots targeting Trump and other former top officials.