英语:伊隆·马斯克称 SpaceX 将于明年年底登陆火星

Source: Elon Musk says SpaceX will go to Mars at the end of next year | Fox News

埃隆·马斯克已确认 SpaceX 的星际飞船将于 2026 年底前往火星。飞船将搭载特斯拉的人形机器人擎天柱。这位科技亿万富翁表示,如果一切顺利,人类将在 2029 年登陆火星,但他承认 2031 年的可能性更大。 SpaceX 在其网站上写道,“星际飞船是世界上有史以来最强大的运载火箭,可运载 150 公吨完全可重复使用物品和 250 公吨消耗性物品。”以美国吨计算,可完全重复使用和消耗性物品的重量分别高达 165 吨和 275 吨。 马斯克长期以来一直在谈论将人类送上火星的梦想,最近有人发现他在白宫穿着一件“占领火星”的 T 恤。 马斯克在 SpaceX 的“让人类跨星球”使命网页上这样写道,“我想不出还有什么比走出去,置身于星空之间更令人兴奋的事了。”马斯克宣布火星任务之际,正是 SpaceX 令人兴奋的一周。

Elon Musk has confirmed that SpaceX’s Starship will head to Mars at the end of 2026. The ship will be carrying Optimus, Tesla’s humanoid robot. The tech billionaire said that if all goes well, humans could be on the red planet by 2029, although he admitted that 2031 is more likely.

“Starship is the world’s most powerful launch vehicle ever developed, capable of carrying up to 150 metric tonnes fully reusable and 250 metric tonnes expendable,” SpaceX writes on its website. In US tons, that is up to 165 tons of fully reusable and up to 275 tons expendable.

Musk has long talked about his dream of sending men to Mars, and recently he was spotted in the White House wearing an “Occupy Mars” shirt.

“I can’t think of anything more exciting than going out there and being among the stars,” a quote from Musk reads on SpaceX’s webpage on its mission of “making humanity multiplanetary.”

Musk’s announcement of a mission to Mars comes during an exciting week for SpaceX.

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