
Source: Russia’s war with Ukraine is taking a heavy toll on its economy

当俄罗斯这样一个所谓的全球超级大国向伊朗乞求无人机、向朝鲜寻求炮弹、眼睁睁地看着自己的黑海舰队被一个没有海军的国家摧毁时,你就知道有些事情不对劲了。2022 年之前,俄罗斯的军事实力仅次于美国。 现在——正如一个苦涩的笑话所说——它是乌克兰第二强。 唐纳德·特朗普希望通过谈判结束俄乌战争。但为了让停火不成为更大的灾难,莫斯科必须接受一个残酷的事实——结束其犯罪的征服战争不是让步,而是一种必然,这将符合俄罗斯自身的最大利益。 特朗普向普京总统表明是及时和必要的。 他说得对:俄罗斯的经济正在“失败”,而且“只会变得更糟”。去年,通货膨胀率飙升至 9.5%,几乎是美国通胀率的三倍,原因是不计后果的军费开支。仅在 2024 年,土豆和洋葱等主食的价格就分别上涨了 91% 和 47%。 中央银行的绝望反应——将利率提高到 21%——充分说明了经济状况。自 2024 年中期以来,卢布已暴跌超过 20%,现在真的只值一分钱。 克里姆林宫的国家财富基金从 2022 年 6 月的 2100 亿美元已缩减至 310 亿美元,这是一个惊人的下降。已故的约翰·麦凯恩曾称俄罗斯为“伪装成国家的加油站”,俄罗斯依靠原油销售来为其国库提供资金,这很合适。 同样,美国最近对莫斯科影子船队的制裁打击导致运输成本飙升,有意购买者减少。

When a supposed global superpower like Russia begs Iran for drones, turns to North Korea for artillery shells and watches its Black Sea fleet dismantled by a country without a navy, you know something is off. Before 2022, Russia’s military boasted of being second only to the United States.

Now — as the bitter joke goes — it’s the second strongest in Ukraine.

Donald Trump wants to negotiate an end to the Russo-Ukrainian war. But for a cease-fire not to boomerang back as an even bigger calamity, Moscow must come to terms with a hard truth — ending its criminal war of conquest isn’t a concession but an inevitability that’ll serve Russia’s own best interest.

Trump calling President Vladimir Putin out is both timely and necessary.

He is right: Russia’s economy is “failing” and “IT’S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE.”

Inflation soared to 9.5% last year, nearly triple the US rate, driven by reckless military spending. In 2024 alone, staples like potatoes and onions saw price spikes of 91% and 47% respectively.

The Central Bank’s desperate response — hiking interest rates to 21% — speaks volumes about the state of the economy. Since mid-2024, the ruble has plunged by over 20%, now literally worth just a penny.

The Kremlin’s National Wealth Fund has shrunk to $31 billion, down from $210 billion in June 2022 — a staggering decline. Fittingly for a state the late John McCain once called “a gas station masquerading as a country,” Russia relies on crude oil sales to fund its treasury.

Here too, the latest US sanctions crackdown on Moscow’s shadow fleet sent shipping costs skyrocketing and willing buyers dwindling.

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