
Source: Gov. Newsom Served Recall Papers Following LA Fire Outrage | Newsmax.com

本周,加州州长加文·纽森收到罢免文件,人们对他对毁灭性的洛杉矶山火处理方式持续感到愤怒。 由加州居民兰迪·伊科米科领导的“拯救加州”组织递交了一份由 105 人共同签名的请愿书,超过了发起罢免纽森行动所需的 50 个签名。州长必须在 2 月 7 日之前承认这份请愿书,此后加州州务卿必须承认这项措施。 要获得 11 月投票的资格,组织者需要在 160 天内收集 120 万至 130 万个签名。 伊科诺米本月早些时候对《华盛顿观察家报》表示,“在纽森州长的领导下,加州多年来实行的糟糕政策导致生活成本增加、犯罪率上升、吸毒和无家可归现象增多、小企业和社区负担加重,普通民众无法在加州生活,同时我们的专业标准和教育标准也下降了,数十亿美元的纳税人资金被浪费在失败的私人项目和公共服务上。” 自 1 月 7 日火灾首次爆发以来,火灾已烧毁了 40,000 多英亩土地,摧毁了 12,000 多栋建筑,造成至少 29 人死亡,迫使数十万人撤离家园。初步估计损失超过 2500 亿美元。

California Gov. Gavin Newsom was served recall papers this week as outrage persisted over his handling of the devastating Los Angeles wildfires.

The group Saving California, led by California resident Randy Economy, delivered the petition co-signed by 105 people, exceeding the 50 signatures required to initiate recall efforts against Newsom. The governor must recognize the petition by Feb. 7, after which California’s secretary of state must recognize the measure.

To qualify for the November ballot, organizers will need to gather between 1.2 million and 1.3 million signatures over 160 days.

“Under the reign of Governor Newsom, living in California has become impossible for average people through years of poor policies which have increased the costs of living, increased crime, increased drug use and homelessness, increased the cost of burden on small businesses and communities, while decreasing our professional standards, education standards, the disappearance of billions of taxpayers’ dollars to failed pet programs, and our public services,” Economy said to the Washington Examiner earlier this month.

Since the fires first erupted on Jan 7, they have consumed more than 40,000 acres, destroyed over 12,000 structures, killed at least 29 people and forced hundreds of thousands to evacuate their homes. Early estimates have put the damages at more than $250 billion.

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