Source: German Industry Begins Calling For Return to Russian Gas – Bloomberg
受美国总统唐纳德·特朗普结束乌克兰战争努力的鼓舞,德国东部一些企业已经开始为俄罗斯天然气重返欧洲做准备。 欧洲花了三年时间才摆脱对东部天然气的依赖,受影响最大的是该地区最大的经济体德国。德国工业建立在廉价的俄罗斯天然气之上,不断上涨的能源价格已经限制了经济增长,迫使一些制造商将生产转移到国外。 对于德国的许多政客和企业来说,购买俄罗斯管道天然气的想法仍然是令人厌恶的。例如,在供应中断之前是巨大消费者的化工巨头巴斯夫公司本周表示,它没有恢复供应的方案。但在德国东部,经济停滞和与俄罗斯的历史联系使这一想法更容易被接受,一些地区已经开始谈论恢复供应,甚至在达成和平协议之前。 对于德国最大化工基地之一的负责人克里斯托夫·冈瑟来说,重振他所在的行业的唯一办法就是重新获得俄罗斯的廉价天然气。他在洛伊纳接受采访时表示,如果希望欧洲在未来为乌克兰的复苏提供资金,德国就需要拥有强大的经济实力。
Some German industries in the east of the country are already planning for the time when Russian gas returns to Europe encouraged by the efforts of US President Donald Trump to end the war in Ukraine.
Europe has spent three painful years weaning itself off gas from the east with the biggest impact felt in Germany, the region’s biggest economy. German industry was built on cheap Russian gas and rising energy prices have already trammeled growth and forced some manufacturers to move production abroad.
For many politicians and businesses in Germany, the idea of buying Russian pipeline gas is still anathema. For example, chemicals giant BASF SE, a huge consumer before supplies were shut off, said this week it has no scenario involving the resumption of supply. But in Germany’s east, where economic stagnation and historic links with Russia make the idea more palatable, talk of bringing back supplies has already started in some quarters, even before a peace deal is done.
For Christof Günther, head of one of the biggest chemical industrial sites in Germany, the only way to revive sectors like his is to get hold of cheap Russian gas again. If Europe is expected to help finance Ukraine’s recovery in future, Germany needs to be economically strong to contribute, he said in an interview in Leuna.