
Source: Zelensky on U.S. support: ‘I am not ready to acknowledge $100B debt, these are grants’

乌克兰总统泽连斯基表示,他不准备将美国提供的援助金额定为 1000 亿美元的债务,因为这笔款项包括向乌克兰提供的赠款。他还强调,赠款不是债务。 乌克兰通讯社报道,泽连斯基周日在基辅举行的“乌克兰 2025 年”论坛上发表了这一言论。 泽连斯基说,“首先让我们澄清一下 5000 亿美元这个数字。我知道美国向乌克兰提供了 1000 亿美元援助,这是事实。但无论别人怎么说,我都不会承认 5000 亿美元,我对我们的合作伙伴表示应有的尊重。我坚持这一点,因为这是真实的情况。老实说,我还没准备好确定为 1000 亿美元。让我解释一下原因。我们不应该把赠款视为债务——不管我们喜欢与否。我与拜登和美国国会达成了协议。我很感谢国会。这是关于赠款支持,而赠款不是债务。我们不必偿还。所以,问题不在于数字,而在于我们不承认它是债务。”他补充说,他已准备好与美国达成新的协议。 “如果今天的条件是美国——我们的战略伙伴——说,‘我们会给你们提供援助,但你们必须以利润回报美国’,那么这就是一项协议,而不是一项赠款。这是一项新的协议。我已经准备好进行这样的对话,我相信无论我是否喜欢,这都会是积极的,因为我们需要帮助。问题是(美国)能提供多少帮助。”据外媒报道,乌克兰拒绝了美国提出的设立5000亿美元基金的要求,作为向美国提供该国部分矿产资源协议的一部分。

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that he is not ready to fix the amount of support from the United States at $100 billion, as this sum includes grants provided to Ukraine. He also emphasized that grants are not a debt.

Zelensky stated this during the “Ukraine. Year 2025” forum in Kyiv on Sunday, according to Ukrinform.

“Let’s first clarify the $500 billion figure. I know that we had $100 billion [in U.S. aid provided to Ukraine], and that’s a fact. But I’m not going to acknowledge $500 billion, regardless of what anyone says, with all due respect to our partners. I stand by this because it’s a true situation. Honestly, I’m not ready to fix even $100 billion. Let me explain why. We should not recognize grants as debts — whether we like it or not. I made agreements with Biden and with the U.S. Congress. I’m grateful to Congress. It was about grant support, and a grant is not a debt. We don’t have to repay a debt. So, it’s not about the figure, it’s about the fact that we do not recognize it as a debt,” Zelensky said.

He added that he was ready to make a new agreement with the United States.

“If the condition today is that the United States — our strategic partners — says, ‘We’ll give you assistance, but you have to repay it with profit for the United States,’ that’s an agreement, not a grant. That’s a new agreement. I’m ready for such a dialogue, and I’m sure it will be positive, whether I like it or not, because we need help. The question is how much help [the U.S.] is giving,” Zelensky said.

According to foreign media outlets, Ukraine rejected the U.S. demand to create a $500 billion fund as part of an agreement to provide the U.S. with a share of the country’s mineral resources.

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