Source: Trump Calls for Review of NGO Funding |
特朗普总统宣布,联邦机构将审查所有提供给非政府组织的资金。 特朗普说,“美国政府向非政府组织提供了大量纳税人的钱,其中许多非政府组织正在积极破坏美国人民的安全、繁荣和安全。我的政府的政策是停止资助那些破坏国家利益的非政府组织。” 特朗普表示,各机构负责人将使未来的资助决定与美国的利益以及他的政府目标和优先事项保持一致。 据美国国务院称,美国约有 150 万个非政府组织。周四,特朗普政府公布了一项计划,作为其解散美国国际开发署的一部分,将大幅削减全球美国援助项目的员工数量,数千名员工中将只剩下不到 300 人。自特朗普就职以来,资金冻结已关闭了该机构在全球的大多数项目,几乎所有工作人员都被安排离职或休假。特朗普政府曾表示要取消美国国际开发署作为一个独立机构的地位,并将幸存的项目转移到国务院之下。
President Donald Trump announced that federal agencies will review all funding provided to nongovernmental organizations.
“The United States Government has provided significant taxpayer dollars to NGOs, many of which are engaged in actions that actively undermine the security, prosperity, and safety of the American people,” Trump said. “It is the policy of my administration to stop funding NGOs that undermine the national interest.”
Trump said the heads of agencies will align future funding decisions with the interests of the United States and with the goals and priorities of his administration.
About 1.5 million NGOs operate in the U.S., according to the State Department.
On Thursday, the Trump administration revealed a plan to dramatically cut staffing worldwide for U.S. aid projects as part of its dismantling of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), leaving fewer than 300 workers out of thousands.
Since Trump’s inauguration, a funding freeze has shut down most of the agency’s programs worldwide, and almost all its workers have been placed on administrative leave or furloughed. The Trump administration has spoken of eliminating USAID as an independent agency and moving surviving programs under the State Department.