Source: Trump Announced Transfering ‘Mother Of All Bomb’ To Israel – Belarusian News – Charter’97
德国《图片报》报道,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普继续在中东推行强硬政策。在宣布美国可能控制加沙之后,他现在正在采取可能改变该地区力量平衡的措施。。 美国总统政府宣布向以色列交付最强大的非核炸弹之一,即所谓的“炸弹之母”。 专家承认,宣布移交“炸弹之母”可以看作是可能袭击伊朗核设施的信号。据以色列情报部门称,伊朗可能在今年获得核武器。 记者称,特朗普采取强硬外交政策路线的原因之一是有报道称伊朗情报部门计划除掉美国总统。 特朗普威胁道,“如果他们这样做,他们将从地球上消失,”并指出已经有应对袭击的政策。 这种炸弹重11吨,可以摧毁伊朗核设施等深层地下设施。从乔治·布什到乔·拜登,前白宫领导人都曾因担心升级局势而拒绝向以色列提供此类武器。但特朗普首次为“炸弹之母”转让开了绿灯。
US President Donald Trump continues to pursue a tough policy in the Middle East. After declaring the potential establishment of US control over Gaza, he is now taking steps that could change the balance of power in the region. Bild writes about this.
The US presidential administration announced the delivery of one of the most powerful non-nuclear bombs to Israel — the MOAB, the so-called “Mother of All Bombs”.
Experts admit that the announcement of the transfer of the MOAB can be seen as a signal for a possible attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. According to Israeli intelligence, Iran may acquire nuclear weapons this year.
According to journalists, one of the reasons for Trump’s tough foreign policy line was the reports of Iranian intelligence plans to eliminate the American president.
“If they do that, they’ll be wiped off the face of the earth,” Trump threatened, noting that a policy already exists to deal with an attack.
The bomb weighs 11 tons and can destroy deep underground facilities, such as Iranian nuclear complexes. Previous White House leaders, from George W. Bush to Joe Biden, have resisted supplying such weapons to Israel for fear of escalation. But Trump has given the green light for the MOAB transfer for the first time.