
Source: America-Led Spy Network Risks Collapse Over Trump-Russia Fears – Newsweek

为收拾二战后支离破碎的世界,美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰正式联合起来,共享情报。 这个英语国家情报共享组织被称为“五眼联盟”,几十年来,该联盟成员一直与这些国家合作,组成一个精心设计的情报网络,对抗它们一致认为构成危险的威胁。 但在短短几天内,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普和他的高级官员就撕毁了主导了 80 年的秩序和共识。新政府颠覆了美国的外交政策,对边境以北征收关税,对美国的盟友不屑一顾,很快让那些依赖华盛顿的人开始质疑他们是否能相信美国能提供重要而敏感的信息。 没有什么比“五眼联盟”更敏感的了,它的目光长期盯着莫斯科和北京。简而言之,这是“历史上最重要的情报共享协议”,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院专门研究国家安全和情报的历史学家考尔德·沃尔顿说。 但现在人们迫切担心特朗普是否会将美国从联盟中撤出,作为他对美国盟友的广泛排斥的一部分——以及五眼联盟的其余国家能否挺过这一关。一种可能的情况是白宫阻碍与盟友共享情报。 另一种可能的情况是,英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰可能会认为美国是一个不值得信任的密友,并试图限制其与华盛顿共享的情报。美国盟友们越来越不安地看着白宫和克里姆林宫之间明显的和解。 据 NBC 周四援引四位了解讨论情况的匿名消息人士称,由于美国政府的俄罗斯立场,一些国家现在正积极讨论收回与美国共享情报。

Picking up the pieces of a world shattered from World War II, the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand formally banded together to pool their intelligence.

This Anglophone intel-sharing arrangement, dubbed the Five Eyes, has seen its members through the many decades since, an elaborate web of intelligence capabilities pitted against threats they all agree pose a danger.

But in a matter of days, U.S. President Donald Trump and his top officials have shredded the order, and the consensus, that has dominated for 80 years. Upending U.S. foreign policy, slapping tariffs north of the border and splattering America’s allies with disdain, the new administration quickly had those relying on Washington asking whether they can trust the U.S. to provide vital, and sensitive, capabilities.

Little is more sensitive than the Five Eyes, its gaze long fixed on Moscow and Beijing. It is, in short, the “most important intelligence sharing agreement in history,” said Calder Walton, a historian specializing in national security and intelligence at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.

But there are now pressing concerns over whether Trump will pull the U.S. from the alliance as part of his broader brush-off of America’s allies—and whether the remaining nations of the Five Eyes could survive it. One potential scenario could see the White House stymie what it shares with allies.

In another possible path, the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand could deem the U.S. an untrustworthy confidant and attempt to limit the intelligence it shares with Washington. American allies have watched with deepening unease the apparent rapprochement unfolding between the White House and the Kremlin.

Some are now actively discussing reeling in the intelligence they share with the U.S. because of the administration’s Russia stance, NBC reported on Thursday, citing four anonymous sources with knowledge of the debates.

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