苹果周一表示,未来四年将在美国投资 5000 亿美元,包括在德克萨斯州建造一家大型人工智能服务器工厂,并在全国范围内增加约 20,000 个研发岗位。
预计 5000 亿美元的支出包括从美国供应商采购到为其 Apple TV+ 服务在美国拍摄电视节目和电影等所有方面。该公司拒绝透露计划向美国供应基地投入多少资金,其中包括在肯塔基州为 iPhone 生产玻璃的康宁等公司。
此前有媒体报道称,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克上周会见了唐纳德·特朗普总统。本月早些时候,特朗普可能对在中国组装的许多苹果产品征收 10% 的关税,尽管这家 iPhone 制造商在特朗普第一届政府期间获得了一些对华关税豁免。
Apple said on Monday it would spend $500bn in US investments in the next four years that will include a giant factory in Texas for artificial intelligence servers and add about 20,000 research and development jobs across the country in that time.
That $500bn in expected spending includes everything from purchases from US suppliers to US filming of television shows and movies for its Apple TV+ service. The company declined to say how much of the figure it was already planning to spend with its US supply base, which includes firms such as Corning that makes glass for iPhones in Kentucky.
The move comes after media reports that the Apple CEO, Tim Cook, met President Donald Trump last week. Many of Apple’s products that are assembled in China could face 10% tariffs imposed by Trump earlier this month, though the iPhone maker had secured some waivers from China tariffs in the first Trump administration.