
Source: Trump and Zelensky’s meeting descends into screaming match as president lays hands on leader | Daily Mail Online

唐纳德·特朗普和弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基在椭圆形办公室的会晤爆发了一场史无前例的激烈争吵,震惊了全世界。 在这场引人注目的长时间争吵中,脸红的特朗普指责泽连斯基“拿第三次世界大战赌博”,并一度推搡了这位乌克兰领导人。 副总统 J.D. 万斯也加入进来,对泽连斯基进行了严厉斥责,这让双方的情绪一触即发。 这场异常愤怒的对抗有可能给乌克兰与俄罗斯战争停火谈判蒙上阴影。 随后,泽连斯基立即离开白宫,联合新闻发布会也被取消。 特朗普与泽连斯基在椭圆形办公室的会晤在进行了大约 40 分钟后就谈蹦了,当时乌克兰总统表示他已经与普京签署过协议,但这位俄罗斯领导人不值得信任。 在特朗普和万斯坚持要求他在抵抗俄罗斯入侵三年后必须与普京妥协后,他进行了反击。 结果是一场非同寻常的争吵,精心策划的外交努力最终失败。
法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙: 俄罗斯是侵略者,乌克兰是被侵略者。我认为我们三年前帮助乌克兰和制裁俄罗斯是正确的,并且继续这样做是正确的事。
即将离任的德国总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨: 没有人比乌克兰公民更希望和平!这就是为什么我们共同努力寻找持久和公正和平的道路。乌克兰可以依靠德国——以及欧洲。
瑞典首相乌尔夫·克里斯特松: 瑞典与乌克兰站在一起。你们不仅在为自己的自由而战,也在为整个欧洲的自由而战。荣耀归于乌克兰!
挪威总理约纳斯·加尔·斯托尔: 我们支持乌克兰为实现公正持久和平而进行的公平战斗。
拉脱维亚总理埃维克·西利纳: 拉脱维亚永远与乌克兰站在一起。

Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky‘s Oval Office meeting erupted into an unprecedented and bitter fight, sending shockwaves across the world.

During the spectacular extended bust-up, a red-faced Trump accused Zelensky of ‘gambling with World War III’ and at one point shoved the Ukraine leader.

Tempers flared with Vice President J.D. Vance also weighing in to give Zelensky a dressing down.

The extraordinarily angry confrontation threatened to overshadow talks for a ceasefire in the Ukraine-Russia war.

Afterwards, Zelensky immediately left the White House and a joint press conference was canceled.

Trump’s Oval Office meeting with Zelensky went off the rails after about 40 minutes when the Ukrainian president said he had signed deals with Putin, but the Russian leader could not be trusted.

He was pushing back after Trump and Vance insisted that he must compromise with Putin after three years of resisting the Russian invasion.

The result was an extraordinary row as carefully laid diplomacy came undone.

European leaders line up behind Zelensky

European leaders have been quick to offer their unstinting support for Zelensky in the wake of Donald Trump’s Oval Office meltdown.

French President Emmanuel Macron:

Russia is the aggressor, and Ukraine is the aggressed people. I think we were all right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago, and to continue to do so.

Outgoing German Chancellor Olaf Scholz:

Nobody wants peace more than the citizens of Ukraine! That is why we are working together to find a way to a lasting and just peace. Ukraine can rely on Germany – and on Europe.

Swedish prime minister Ulf Kristersson:

Sweden stands with Ukraine. You are not only fighting for your freedom but also for all of Europe’s. Slava Ukraini!

Norwegian prime minister Jonas Gahr Store:

We stand by Ukraine in their fair struggle for a just and lasting peace.

Latvian prime minister Evike Silina:

Latvia stands with Ukraine.

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