
Source: PKK declares ceasefire with Turkey after 40 years of armed struggle

土耳其库尔德工人党被监禁的领导人阿卜杜拉·奥贾兰呼吁该组织解散并结束四十多年的武装斗争,随后,非法库尔德武装于周六宣布与土耳其停火。 这是奥贾兰本周呼吁解散该组织并要求其放下武器后,库尔德工人党做出的首次反应。库尔德工人党被土耳其、美国和欧盟定为恐怖组织,自 1984 年以来一直发动叛乱,目的是为库尔德人建立国家,库尔德人约占土耳其 8500 万人口的 20%。 但最近,该组织呼吁更多的自治权以及文化和语言权利,而不是独立。 自 1999 年奥贾兰入狱以来,曾多次试图结束这场已造成 40,000 多人丧生的流血。 在岛上监狱与奥贾兰举行多次会谈后,亲库尔德的民主运动党于周四转达了他的呼吁,要求库尔德工人党放下武器并召开代表大会宣布该组织解散。 库尔德工人党周六表示,他们已准备好按照奥贾兰的要求召开代表大会,但“要做到这一点,必须创造一个合适的安全环境”,并且奥贾兰“必须亲自指导和领导代表大会,确保代表大会取得成功”。

Outlawed Kurdish militants declared a ceasefire Saturday with Turkey following a landmark call by jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan asking the group to disband and end more than four decades of armed struggle.

It was the first reaction from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party after Ocalan this week called for the dissolution of the group and asked it to lay down arms.

The PKK, designated a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union, has waged an insurgency since 1984 with the aim of carving out a homeland for Kurds, who account for around 20% of Turkey’s 85 million people.

But more recently, the group has called for more autonomy and cultural and linguistic rights rather than independence.

Since Ocalan was jailed in 1999, there have been various attempts to end the bloodshed, which has cost more than 40,000 lives.

After several meetings with Ocalan at his island prison, the pro-Kurdish DEM party on Thursday relayed his appeal for the PKK to lay down its weapons and convene a congress to announce the organization’s dissolution.

The PKK said on Saturday it was ready to convene a congress as Ocalan wanted, but “for this to happen, a suitable secure environment must be created” and Ocalan “must personally direct and lead it for the success of the congress.”

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