
Source: Intense Russian attacks force Ukraine to consider pulling out of Kursk – POLITICO

保卫俄罗斯库尔斯克地区被占领领土的乌克兰军队正遭受俄罗斯反攻的猛烈攻击,而俄罗斯的反攻正在积聚力量,指挥官们很快就必须做出艰难的选择,是继续战斗还是撤退。 军事分析人士警告说,如果他们搞错了时机,乌克兰军队就有被切断的危险。 军事分析家杨·马特维耶夫表示,“乌克兰指挥部必须做出选择。完成行动,保存部队并离开库尔斯克地区,或者坚持下去,冒着失去一切的风险。”他在自己的电报频道上写道,最近几天,战斗发生了根本性的变化。 他指出,“守住库尔斯克立足点的唯一真正原因是将其作为未来谈判的筹码。然而,在旷日持久的防御中失去大量经验丰富的部队和先进装备可能会严重削弱乌克兰在其他地区的军事能力。”俄罗斯主战的电报频道 Two Majors 声称,俄罗斯军队近日深入乌克兰控制区约四公里,试图进行包围。 乌克兰国家安全与国防委员会反虚假信息中心主任安德烈·科瓦连科承认,“艰难的战斗”正在进行中。他说,俄罗斯突击部队正试图突破并夺取从乌克兰苏梅州尤纳基夫卡到乌克兰控制的苏贾重要公路的控制权。 去年 8 月,乌克兰突然跨境入侵俄罗斯库尔斯克地区,令俄罗斯总统普京和他的将军们措手不及。这也改变了乌克兰之前一直逐步向俄罗斯失去领土的说法,在此。 这次突袭表明,乌克兰保留了一些尖锐的进攻能力。

Ukrainian troops defending captured territory in Russia’s Kursk region are under fierce attack from a Russian counteroffensive that’s building up steam, and commanders will soon have to make a tough choice whether to continue the struggle or withdraw.

If they get the timing wrong, Ukrainian forces risk being be cut off, warn military analysts.

“The Ukrainian command must make a choice. Leave the Kursk region, completing the operation and preserving forces, or hold on, risking losing everything,” according to military analyst Yan Matveyev.

Writing on his Telegram channel, he said the battle has shifted radically in recent days.

“The only real reason to hold onto the Kursk foothold is to use it as a bargaining chip in future negotiations. However, losing a substantial number of experienced troops and advanced equipment in a drawn-out defense could severely weaken Ukraine’s military capacity in other regions,” he noted.

Russian pro-war Telegram channel Two Majors is claiming that Russian troops penetrated around four kilometers into Ukrainian-held territory in recent days and are attempting an encirclement.

Andrii Kovalenko, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation at Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, admitted “difficult battles” are underway. He said Russian assault units are attempting to break through and seize control of an important highway running from Yunakivka in Ukraine’s Sumy Oblast to Ukrainian-held Sudzha.

Ukraine’s surprise cross-border incursion into Russia’s Kursk region last August caught Russian President Vladimir Putin and his generals unprepared. It also changed the narrative for Ukraine, which until then had been steadily losing territory to the Russians.

The raid demonstrated that Ukraine maintained some waspish offensive capabilities.

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