英语:伊隆·马斯克揭露 X 大规模网络攻击的幕后黑手

Source: Elon Musk reveals who is behind ‘massive’ cyberattack on X | Daily Mail Online

埃隆·马斯克轰动性地披露了周一导致他的社交媒体应用程序 X 瘫痪的毁灭性网络攻击,该攻击似乎源自乌克兰。 他的重磅消息是在该网站多次出现故障之后发布的,该网站已经瘫痪了多半天。这位世界首富在采访中指出,该社交媒体网站现已恢复运行。 他的声明是在该平台对全球用户瘫痪之后发表的。早在美国东部时间凌晨 5:30,他们就抱怨该应用程序和网站的问题。 马斯克在 X 上分享说,黑客攻击涉及如此多的资源,以至于他认为这只能是一个“协调团体”或外国所为。 马斯克没有提供有关此次攻击的任何其他细节,此次攻击影响了该应用程序的 6 亿月活跃用户。 此次攻击发生在基辅和华盛顿关系紧张的背景下。

Elon Musk has sensationally revealed the devastating cyberattack that took down his social media app X on Monday seemingly originated in Ukraine.

His bombshell revelation followed repeated glitches with the site, which has been down for much of the day.

The world’s richest man noted during the interview that the social media site is now back up and running.

His statement came after the platform had been down for users worldwide. They had complained about issues with the app and website since as early as 5:30am ET.

Musk shared on X that the hack involved so many resources that he believes it could only be the work of a ‘coordinated group’ or a foreign country.

Musk did not offer any other details on the attack which has impacted the app’s 600 million active monthly users.

It came amid fraught relations between Kyiv and Washington.

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