Source: Majority of Americans Disapprove of Trump and His Handling of Ukraine, US Economy
随着美国总统唐纳德·特朗普推进其国内外政策议程,NBC 新闻的最新民意调查显示,尽管他的支持率已攀升至上任以来的最高水平,但美国人仍然存在严重分歧——特别是在他对乌克兰、俄罗斯以及与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京的关系的态度上。 根据民意调查,47% 的美国选民认可特朗普的工作表现,创下他担任总统以来的最高水平。然而,51% 的人不认可,反映出即使共和党在很大程度上仍然团结在他身后,国家仍然存在持续的分歧。 尽管得到共和党选民的大力支持,但特朗普对乌克兰和俄罗斯的处理仍然是一个重大弱点。NBC 新闻的民意调查发现,大多数美国人不认可特朗普对乌克兰战争的处理方式,55% 的人反对他的做法,而 42% 的人认可。 公众的关注点不仅限于乌克兰。民调还显示,53% 的选民不赞成特朗普的整体外交政策处理方式,45% 的选民赞成。特朗普政府向莫斯科示好的做法引起了美国许多盟友的警惕,数据显示,美国人对他的外交方式仍然存在分歧。 特朗普与俄罗斯的停火谈判引发了欧洲官员的怀疑,许多人担心美国会向基辅施压,迫使其做出领土让步。乌克兰总统泽连斯基表示担心特朗普提出的和平计划将以牺牲乌克兰为代价——尤其是在上个月他在椭圆形办公室与特朗普发生激烈争吵之后。
As US President Donald Trump advances his domestic and foreign policy agenda, a new NBC News poll reveals that while his approval rating has climbed to its highest level since taking office, Americans remain deeply divided – particularly on his approach to Ukraine, Russia, and relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
According to the poll, 47% of American voters approve of Trump’s job performance, equaling his highest-ever mark as president. However, 51% disapprove, reflecting persistent national divisions even as Republicans remain largely united behind him.
Despite strong support from Republican voters, Trump’s handling of Ukraine and Russia remains a major vulnerability. The NBC News poll found that a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of the war in Ukraine, with 55% opposing his approach compared to 42% who approve.
Public concern extends beyond Ukraine. The poll also shows that 53% of voters disapprove of Trump’s overall handling of foreign policy, and 45% approve. His administration’s overtures to Moscow have raised alarms among many US allies, and the numbers indicate that Americans remain divided over his diplomatic approach.
Trump’s ceasefire negotiations with Russia have sparked skepticism among European officials, with many fearing the US will pressure Kyiv into making territorial concessions. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has expressed concerns that Trump’s proposed peace plan will come at Ukraine’s expense – particularly after he had an explosive argument with Trump in the Oval Office last month.