
Source: British spies ‘concerned that sharing anti-Russian intelligence with the US could blow agents’ cover’ | Daily Mail Online

英国国安消息人士告诉《星期日邮报》,英国间谍担心与美国政府分享反俄情报可能会导致其特工的身份暴露。 消息人士称,自唐纳德·特朗普去年赢得总统大选以来,英国间谍首脑一直在“严格限制”他们传递给中情局同行的信息。 一位消息人士甚至声称,鉴于特朗普对克里姆林宫的温和态度,一些在俄罗斯和乌克兰活动的西方特工已被秘密地通过陆路撤离,作为一种保护措施。 特朗普总统本周末表示,他发现,“坦率地说,与乌克兰打交道比与俄罗斯打交道更困难”,并告诉记者,美国与莫斯科“相处得很好”。 美国人希望弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基签署一项协议,让他们获得乌克兰矿产资源的大部分股权,并与莫斯科达成停战协议。 然而,如果没有坚定的安全保障,乌克兰总统不会这么做。特朗普的高级官员将于下周前往沙特阿拉伯,与泽连斯基团队讨论该计划。 昨晚,唐宁街强烈否认情报共享协议有任何变化,但另有高级消息人士声称,各机构是在行动基础上做出预防性决定的,没有部长的监督或批准。 据了解,安全部长丹·贾维斯还与军情六处负责人理查德·摩尔爵士和军情五处负责人肯·麦卡勒姆爵士就英国情报安全问题举行了会谈。

British spies are concerned that sharing anti-Russian intelligence with the American government could lead to their agents’ cover being blown, security sources have told The Mail on Sunday.

The sources said British spy chiefs have been ‘significantly rationing’ what information they passed to their counterparts in the CIA since Donald Trump won the presidential election last year.

One source even claimed that some Western agents operating in Russia and Ukraine had been extracted – discreetly and overland – as a protective measure, given Mr Trump’s emollient attitude towards the Kremlin.

President Trump said this weekend that he was finding it ‘more difficult, frankly, to deal with Ukraine’ than Russia, telling reporters that the US was ‘doing very well’ with Moscow.

The Americans want Volodymyr Zelensky to sign a deal that would give them a major stake in Ukrainian mineral resources and agree a truce with Moscow.

However the Ukrainian president will not do so without firm security guarantees. Mr Trump’s senior officials will travel to Saudi Arabia next week to discuss the plan with Mr Zelensky’s team.

Last night, Downing Street strongly denied there had been any change in intelligence-sharing protocols, but separate senior sources claimed that precautionary decisions were being made by the agencies on an operational basis and without ministerial oversight or sanction.

Security minister Dan Jarvis is also understood to have held meetings with Sir Richard Moore, head of MI6, and Sir Ken McCallum, head of MI5, regarding the security of British intelligence.

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