揭开最新深层政府政变Unraveling the Latest Deep State Coup


The courageous, brilliant duo of Sidney Powell and Congressman Louis Gohmert stirred up a bit of a storm in the last few days with this tweet

过去几天,悉尼·鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)和国会议员路易斯·戈默特(Louis Gohmert)勇敢,出色的二人组通过此推文激起了一场风暴和。

When I saw this时间状语从句 it did not make sense. Let me explain. I spent four years working at State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (now it is the Bureau of Counter Terrorism). I was one of two officers who dealt directly with the FBI in the investigation of the terrorist bombing of Pan Am 103定语从句. I learned through this experience that US law enforcement cannot operate in other countries without the permission of those countries宾语从句.

当我看到这信息时,这没道理。 让我解释一下。我在国务院反恐怖主义办公室(现在是反恐怖局)工作了四年。我是直接与联邦调查局(FBI)一起调查恐怖袭击泛美103号飞机的两名官员之一。我从这段经历中学到,未经其他国家的许可,美国执法部门无法在其他国家/地区开展行动。

I also spent 22 years scripting terrorism exercises for U.S. military special operations. My job was to replicate State Department and Embassy communications不定式谓语 that would occur during a terrorist crisis定语从句. So, I have a lot of experience in working real world with US law enforcement, US military and our Embassies in sorting out动名词 the issues that定语从句 arise when the United States wants to pursue a law enforcement or military operation in a foreign country状语从句.


The U.S. Army did not conduct a raid in Germany on either Sctyl or Dominion offices or servers. They are foreign nationals and we must operate in accordance with German law. Moreover, the U.S. Army does not have law enforcement powers with respect to such entities.

美军没有在德国对Sctyl或Dominion办公室或服务器进行突袭。 他们是外国国民,我们必须按照德国法律进行行动。此外,美国陆军对此类实体没有执法权。

So what happened? I am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United States European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers不定式定语. But these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover原因从句. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.

那么,发生了什么事? 我已可靠地获悉,一个隶属USEUCOM(即美国欧洲司令部)指挥的单位行动并实际上控制计算机服务器。美国军方拥有这样做的全部权限,因为在欧洲战区的CIA活动都是使用军事掩护进行的。换句话说,中央情报局人员被德国政府(以及其他任何要求的人)识别为军事雇员或顾问。

Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take custody of the evidence. That means 宾语从句that the evidence will be under the control of the Department of Justice through US Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial proceedings.


This is not the first time that a military unit attached to EUCOM has compelled a CIA computer facility to hand over evidence定语从句. A dear friend of mine (a retired DEA officer) told me about an incident 定语从句where he entered a CIA facility in Frankfurt backed up by the US Army to get info分词结构 the CIA was withholding 定语从句(this took place in the 1980s).


I also have confirmed what Jim Hoft reported the other night宾语从句–the CIA’s Gina Haspel was not informed in advance of this operation同位语从句作宾语. Based on this fact, I think it is correct that action was taken in Germany on territory under U.S. control and that a CIA facility was targeted主语从句.

我还确认了吉姆·霍夫特(Jim Hoft)前一天晚上的报道-CIA的吉娜·哈斯佩尔(Gina Haspel)并未提前告知这一行动。基于这一事实,我认为美国在德国的控制范围上采取的行动以及目标针对CIA设施。情况应该是这样的。

I also have learned that FBI Director Christopher Wray was excluded from this operation宾语从句. Wray, more than Haspel, has been working aggressively to undermine and sabotage Donald Trump. This means that some other U.S. law enforcement agency (e.g., US Marshals, DEA, Secret Service, etc) had the lead in collecting the evidence宾语从句.

我还了解到,联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)被排除在这项行动之外。雷(Wray),比哈斯佩尔(Washpel)一直更积极努力陷害和破坏唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)。这意味着其他一些美国执法机构(例如,美国法警,DEA,特勤局等)牵头收集了证据。

Sidney Powell is a serious lawyer. She is not going to make a false claim. Period. She embodies honesty and integrity. Given her recent statements on Maria Bartoromo and Lou Dobbs and Eric Bolling状语从句, she clearly knows 宾语从句that evidence is being collected 定语从句that will prove beyond reasonable doubt (i.e., the type of evidence required to obtain a criminal conviction) 宾语从句that the CIA had some sort of nefarious relationship with Dominion Software and that Dominion Software was being used abroad and in the United States to conduct voter fraud.

悉尼·鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)是一位认真的律师。 毫无疑问她不会提出虚假的指控。她体现了诚实和正直。鉴于她最近对玛丽亚·巴托罗莫(Maria Bartoromo),娄·多布斯(Lou Dobbs)和埃里克·波林(Eric Bolling)的陈述,她清楚地知道,正在收集的证据将毫无疑问(例如,获得刑事定罪所需的证据类型)证明CIA 与Dominion Software某种邪恶的关系,以及Dominion Software在国外和美国被用来进行选民欺诈。

I fully expect CIA officials to argue 宾语从句they had no idea 同位语从句that Dominion was engaged in such nefarious activity. Their denial carries as much weight as the claim by Captain Louis Renault in the iconic scene in Casablanca比较从句:Capt. Louis Renault: I am shocked, shocked that there is gambling going on in here. Waiter: Sir here are your winnings


路易斯·雷诺上尉:我感到震惊,这里居然在进行赌博。 服务员:先生,这是您的奖金。

The coup attempt to dethrone Donald Trump continues.


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