Trump Reminded Us What It’s Like to Have an American President Shared via Right News

It had been so long 状语从句since we had an American president, many people had forgotten 宾语从句what it was and should be like. And after decades of anti-American, cultural Marxist indoctrination in American schools and popular culture, others thought it was a terrible thing. Neo-Dem Never-Trumper William Kristol tweeted: “I’ll be unembarrassedly old-fashioned here: It is profoundly depressing and vulgar 不定式主语to hear an American president proclaim ‘America First.’”

A foundation of the Democrats’ 2020 platform was the party’s vow to return America to its place in the world, i.e., to stop putting America First, and to go back to being the world’s beat cops and ATM. Now, however, after four years of Trump, some Americans see宾语从句 how the American president should put America first, and they’re not going to forget 宾语从句when Dotty Old Joe hits the White House basement, or when Kamala Harris moves her socialist, internationalist clown show into the Oval Office.

Yes, Trump was a braggart and a blusterer. Yes, he insulted people. Yes, he was often inarticulate. Yes, he showed none of the polish to which we have become accustomed from those 定语从句who claim to be “experts” in how our government, and our daily lives, should be run. He was derided as an amateur, a non-expert, and he was: for some, that was one of the most important bases of his appeal. For Trump, unlike every other president 分词定语going back to Reagan, and unlike most others before that 分词定语going back to before Woodrow Wilson, dedicated his every act as president to putting Americans first and bettering their lives, and he wasn’t afraid to go against the conventional wisdom and decades of precedent to do so.

This often paid spectacular dividends. In June 2016, Barack Obama ridiculed Trump’s pledge to attract U.S. companies that had moved out of the country back to the United States, 分词状语asking Trump, “What magic wand do you have?” Trump’s magic wand was an unprecedented initiative to cut regulations on businesses and drastically lower taxes.

It began to work immediately. Harry Moser of the Reshoring Initiative, 定语从句which tracks jobs returning to the U.S. from companies that had relocated elsewhere, stated, “I’d say 300, 400 [companies], at least, announced in 2017” 宾语从句that they were returning. They brought jobs with them. In 2019, unemployment was at 3.5 percent, the lowest it had been since 1968. The Trump administration also set record lows for unemployment among blacks and Hispanics and record highs for the stock market. Trump proved the point定语从句 that had been made in the 1920s and subsequently forgotten: lower taxes and fewer regulations mean 宾语从句that businesses can prosper, and 状语从句when businesses prosper, so do the Americans 定语从句whom they employ.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump called the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) “the worst trade deal ever made” and vowed to replace it. He did: in November 2018, he signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), 定语从句which mandated much more favorable terms for the United States than NAFTA did.

In foreign policy, though he was derided as “isolationist,” Trump brought about stunning and unprecedented peace deals between Israel and Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and Morocco. John Kerry had smugly warned that no peace in the Middle East was possible without first setting up a Palestinian state and reducing an already tiny Israel; Trump once again proved the “experts” wrong.

There is a great deal more. Donald Trump became president 状语从句when the nation had lost its way. He made herculean efforts to bring it back to what the Founding Fathers had intended it to be: a bastion of freedom. 状语从句As Trump said: “I never forget, that I am not President of the world, I am President of the United States of America. We reject globalism and we embrace patriotism. We believe宾语从句 that every American citizen, no matter their background, deserves a government 定语从句that is loyal to them. The Democrat Party and the extreme radical left are trying to abolish the distinction between citizens and non-citizens.”

Now they will do so. But there are still Americans, and now they have experienced the governance of an American president. If free elections are still possible in 2024, 定语从句which admittedly is by no means certain, they’re going to want another president who puts them first. For another benefit of the Trump presidency is, paradoxically enough, its untimely and unjust demise. Most Americans assumed 宾语从句that 状语从句when Trump became president, he would be able to implement his own agenda 状语从句insofar as he could secure the cooperation of Congress, as other presidents had done. But Trump encountered an entrenched coterie of bureaucrats at all levels 定语从句who were determined to thwart his every move. Never before had a president been subjected to such a concerted and criminal effort to remove him from office, first by framing him for a crime定语从句 he didn’t commit, then by impeaching him for a second crime he didn’t commit, and finally by massive, carefully organized voter fraud.

This story has an unhappy ending,状语从句 except now free Americans know 宾语从句what we are up against in a way 定语从句we never would have known 状语从句if Hillary Clinton had been elected in 2016 and America continued its long, slow, and seemingly inevitable decline into socialist internationalism. Now Americans know宾语从句 what is going on. Some of them are going to resist it and fight, by all legal means, to defend our freedoms.

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