Cancel Us at Your Own Risk – American Thinker

The left has redefined language, what is said and what it means — words now mean 宾语从句what they say they mean, “nothing more and nothing less.” Silence can become “violence.” Actual violence and destruction can sometimes be “mostly peaceful” at other times, “insurrection” or “sedition.”

Control the meaning of things and you control the narrative — control the narrative and you control communication. Through the control of communication, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, they hope to control America and Americans.

That is 名词从句why Democrats perceive Trump as dangerous; he has used Twitter brilliantly, 分词状语negating their narrative control. They spent four years trying to destroy him with lies. Yet, our leftist elites were doomed by their incompetence and a misunderstanding of 名词从句why people elected Trump in the first place.

The Capitol Hill riots terrified the left 状语从句because they occurred 状语从句as Democrats were on the threshold of supposed triumph over an insipid electorate 定语从句they thought too impotent to fight back. They hate Americans and have so little respect for us they made no effort to hide the steal.

To Democrats, the storming of Capitol Hill on January 6th was their worst nightmare, 分词定语plumbing the depths of their deepest insecurities and fears — it showed them their grip on the reins of power was tenuous at best and illusory at worst.

状语从句When they saw those people in the Capitol building, not one Democrat thought to try and engage them. Too afraid, they turned tail and ran from the despised unwashed.

In all things, the left is motivated by hate. The Democratic Party is an organization of hate. 分词状语Blinded by animosity for America and a visceral loathing for Americans, they saw COVID and the Floyd riots as strokes of luck in their battle to control “We the People.”

Conversely, they saw the Capitol Hill storming as 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, a tragedy.

Even more ghastly, they also knew it was not just Trump supporters. Antifa infiltrators, such as the man with the backpack and black hat 定语从句who bullied the officer and broke the window with the tool 分词定语hidden in his hand just 状语从句before Ashli Babbitt was shot, helped turn a mostly peaceful protest into a riot. Afraid of the people and no longer in control of their own paramilitary, they ran.

Yet 状语从句when their fear dissipated, they realized the riot could be providential.

Here were the “right-wing” riots 定语从句they had been yearning for these past decades, but which had always eluded them. They created a crisis 定语从句they would not waste.

Democrats and their partners in media, Big Tech, and Big Finance purged Trump from the public square. 分词状语Exercising their millenarian instincts to “change the world,” they intend to use emergency powers to declare war on more than half the country.

Yet, they always overreach. They stole an election but seem to have deluded themselves into believing 宾语从句they are winners. They think they can abolish America and we will do nothing. The reason 同位语从句they trumpet Capitol Hill, 分词状语calling it an insurrection while threatening everyone involved with capital murder, is 名词从句that they are frightened of the conservative movement.

They believe 宾语从句they run the country, but they are out of touch with anyone but their own base. It is the same with Trump; they want to ruin him 状语从句because he scares the Schiff out of them, 分词状语knowing 状语从句if he runs in 2024, he is the favorite. To stymie his candidacy, they are impeaching Trump again.

And they are determined to make us pay as well. Anyone 定语从句who disagrees with them on any policy must be destroyed. Anyone 定语从句who supported Trump must be ostracized and not merely silenced, but also lose jobs and careers.

January 6th allowed Biden to label all doubt of his electoral conquest, “the big lie.” His solution, of course, is always the left’s solution, a thousand little lies. He says宾语从句 he wants “unity.” But Biden and his ilk define “unity” the same way 定语从句Barry and his minions defined “bipartisanship.’ Both are offers of grace to political opponents 定语从句who do 状语从句as they are told. We have seen this movie before; it did not work for Obama and it will not work for chiliastic Joe.

Biden is a despicable human being, a pederast, corrupt as hell, not too bright, even before the onset of his aphasic dementia. He will show the world exactly 宾语从句who he is, and it is a good bet 主语从句he will do so sooner rather than later. He must, 状语从句because just as with the scorpion, it is his nature.

Cancel culture once belonged to the too woke. Now a tool of Left Inc. a motley agglomeration of Democrats, media, Big Tech, and Big Finance, they will wield that weapon with brutality — all 分词状语while gaining power and amassing enormous wealth.

Democrats once hid 宾语从句who they were. Now, the mask has dropped. They want us to know 宾语从句who they are — they want us to be afraid. They are making lists and checking them twice. They want us to know they are coming for us. And none of our rights are sacrosanct.

Recently, a tall Boston girl (her description) in commenting on one of my Tweets informed me 宾语从句she had reported me to the FBI for the martial content of my articles. I gave her a “like.” She soon deleted her Tweet.

I had wondered 宾语从句why I was getting emails from alt-right sounding sources 分词定语telling me I should “Fight Back Today.” “Your 2nd Amendment rights allow you to buy a machine gun… click here,” and telling me 宾语从句I could buy an illegal gun (poison gas, grenades, field mortars, and artillery) online,状语从句 if I would just click on that button in the email. They were bare-bones emails — no heading or advertising. This smacks of “entrapment” to me, but you know the FBI?

I felt like George Papadopoulos or Carter Page, with the authorities 动名词trying to set me up but doing it in such a clumsy fashion, that no one would (or should) fall for it. Biden should appoint a man in an eyepatch stroking a cat as director.

They have completely deplatformed Trump, something I predicted previously. I lost over a thousand followers over a two-day span. It is the drip, drip, drip of the trip to nonexistence.

The reason同位语从句 the ayatollah still has his accounts is 名词从句the Democrats and the ayatollah want the same thing: “Death to America.” And 状语从句if they must, they will eliminate as many Americans as they need to in the process.

The left is isolated and incompetent. Most Americans do not want 宾语从句what they are selling. So, they will try to use the latest “emergency” to force their policies on the nation 分词状语while silencing all 定语从句who object.

To paraphrase Talleyrand, the Democrats, just as the Bourbons, “have forgotten nothing and learned nothing.”

For four years, Trump was able to Tweet, and 50,000 people would show up at an airport… in the rain… during a pandemic, 状语从句while Biden could not get 10 people at one time in one place.

Trump and his followers are not going away.

Parler will be back — there is too much money involved for them not to be. (It has been reported 主语从句that they have obtained access to independent servers.) And there are always bootleg coders to make apps that will work on iOS and Android.

The Democrats are playing with fire. It is 状语从句as if they want “insurrection.” They are foolish. They should look at the electoral map by county. They may control the cities, but the vast landmass that is America is controlled by the people 定语从句whose rights they seek to abrogate — and there are many more Americans than Democrats.

Who knows, maybe the author can still be followed on Twitter @williamlgensert

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