Not the America of MLK’s Dreams – American Thinker

It’s a shame 主语从句that 状语从句as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, it is increasingly apparent 主语从句that his dream for “all of God’s children, black men and white men… to join hands and sing… ‘Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last’” is more a pipe dream than an achievable goal.

The people of America have taken great strides to eradicate all types of racism and we tend to reject it 状语从句when we see it. Yet, white America stands accused of being racist — not because of our actions or pronouncements, but because of the poverty 定语从句that continues to plague many black communities.

Gullible conservatives believed in King’s dream, 分词定语rooted in the American dream, that all men are created equal. We thought 宾语从句we lived in a country 定语从句that lived up to these ideals, albeit imperfectly. We don’t have control over everyone, but we thought 宾语从句we lived in a time 定语从句when we wouldn’t turn our backs on clear instances of racial injustice. Indeed, when George Floyd died, the country condemned his death with one voice.

We intermarry. We live and work cordially amongst one another. We love and befriend one another. We worship together. We have biracial children. Our pop culture reflects this diversity and acceptance — you cannot turn on the TV without viewing shows and commercials 分词定语promoting interracial relationships of all combinations. Our sports and movies reflect this, as well. Our news is as diverse as can be. We thought宾语从句 the playing field had been leveled, at least for those 定语从句who try to make a go of it.

No doubt, in what was once the wealthiest and freest country on the planet, there remains impoverished rural and urban black communities 定语从句where opportunities are few, children grow up fatherless, churches are disappearing, education is abysmal, drugs, gangs, and shootings are ubiquitous.

And this, we are told, is the fault of White America.

状语从句While it is our inherited problem, it is not our fault. These neighborhoods have been run for at least 60 years by Democrats — often black Democrats. Maxine Waters lives and John Lewis lived like kings 状语从句while their constituents languish in poverty. Waters doesn’t even live in her district! These political robber barons rile up their crowds with hatred towards whitey and use race as a cudgel to exact funding 定语从句that doesn’t even trickle down to their constituents. These poor living conditions have been perpetuated by white and black Democrats to their personal benefit and the detriment of their constituents.

Long before Donald Trump, Democrats created the scapegoat 同位语从句that rich, white, “country club” Republicans were responsible for the plight of Black America. 状语从句When Donald Trump took center stage, they actually had a rich, white, country club Republican to demonize. But he isn’t racist. And neither are you — and most of us aren’t rich, not all of us are white, and only a handful of us belong to country clubs. But we are convenient scapegoats because, 状语从句if the truth were allowed to be fully explored, underprivileged black people would realize they are mired in a cycle of poverty 分词定语created by Democrat policies, not White America. For Democrats, it is a political imperative 主语从句that they deflect attention away from their complicity and direct it towards the White Devil.

I say “if the truth were allowed to be fully explored” 状语从句because the media and educational system refuse to cover the history and facts. Fortunately, more black Americans are beginning to uncover the truth, the Blexit and #Walkaway movements are attracting minorities to conservatism, and Trump received more black votes than any other Republican president.

But the blacklash against black conservatives is punishing and will worsen 状语从句as Democrats continue to crack down on our First Amendment rights. It’s difficult 动名词主语being white and bucking the Democrat agenda; it will be brutal for our black friends and family. Now, more than ever, it is critical 主语从句we join together in our fight for freedom.

Democrats created and perpetuate the cycle of poverty in Black America by throwing trillions of dollars at problems without trying to solve them. They understand 宾语从句that 60 years of policy and a Black president have failed, 结果状语从句so they shifted the narrative to one of hate and race 定语从句where whites, by virtue of their skin color only, are guilty of racism, supremacy, and privilege.

They have made a mockery of MLK’s dream 同位语从句that we should be judged by the content of our character; not by the color of our skin.

In the Democrats’ America, simply 动名词主语being born white and existing, makes us racists. 动名词主语Opposing Obama, even for substantive economic and political reasons, makes us racists. 动名词主语Supporting Trump or attending his rallies, even if one is black, makes us racists. 动名词主语Merely questioning the election results, even if one is black, makes us racists.

The punishment for our political expression is restricting our ability to exchange information and communicate. Back 状语从句when America was flawed but free, the solution was to allow ideas to flourish — even odious ones — 分词状语anticipating 宾语从句that good and just ideas would prevail over bad ones. That is why Nazis were allowed to march in the Jewish hamlet of Skokie and BLM is allowed to spew its anti-white rhetoric.

But a robust and competitive marketplace of ideas depends on a responsible and free press — not the Pravda-like agitprop arm of the government 定语从句we have today — free expression via any medium on any topic, a virtuous society, and an educated population — 定语从句all of which are in jeopardy today.

Today’s Democrat message is one of “let hatred, not freedom, ring.” For whites, as the quintessential scapegoat for all of Black America’s problems, constantly 动名词accusing us of racism does little to promote unity and only builds resentment. 状语从句While Democrats shroud this hatred as “justice,” it has the bloody stench of revenge.

Most of us haven’t done anything racist or supremacist, but revenge is being exacted against us 状语从句because we are white. Regardless of 名词从句what we know in our hearts, Democrats claim we are guilty of racism in all of its subtle and invisible forms. 状语从句Even if we aren’t, because we are Caucasians (who, by the way, bequeathed Mosaic law to the world, created the university and science, ushered in the Enlightenment, and brought progress and technology to all of G-d’s children), we are racists, nonetheless.

Without competing ideas, King’s call to let freedom ring dies in darkness and, the hatred 定语从句that replaces it, will not only ring, but sting… and the sting will be deadly not only to us individually, but the nation as a whole. This is not the America of MLK’s dreams; nor is it of ours.

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