What’s Next? Great Awakening or Great Reset? – American Thinker


Pick your favorite sports analogy. President Trump is at bat, bottom of the ninth inning, two outs, full count, bases loaded, down by three runs. Or he is at the poker table, across from the entire Washington DC ruling class, all the chips now on the table. Is he holding a royal flush or a pair of threes?

We will know in a few days 宾语从句how the game ends, as either the “great awakening” or the “great reset”. It’s a binary choice with one winner and one loser, no ties or extra innings. This will be one of the most consequential weeks in human history.

Far more than a presidential election is at stake. The future direction of America is on the line, either 分词状语continuing as a beacon of freedom and liberty, an inspiration and bulwark of stability for the entire world, or a real life “Hunger Games” with a small vindictive ruling class 动名词creating utopia for themselves and punishing or destroying all those 定语从句who stand in their way.

In a week we will have our answer. 状语从句While most of the country happily checks their social media feeds and watches TikTok videos, an epic battle is playing out in the nation’s capital, 同位语one 定语从句that future historians, 状语从句if they are allowed to discuss it, will describe as the turning point of western civilization.

On the one hand, we have been promised a great awakening, 分词定语showing the people the crimes and corruption of the ruling class, 状语从句as described by Trump before he was elected in 2016 in a little known but epic speech. Those 分词定语claiming to be in the know or able to read the stitches on the fast ball, promised “The Storm” and “The Kraken”. Yet so far, it’s only a light breeze.

On the other hand, Washington, DC is locked down tighter than post 9/11, with checkpoints in and out of the city, almost like under martial law, all for a mostly virtual Biden inauguration. That doesn’t make sense.

Crimes against humanity were to be revealed so hideous 状语从句that the guilty would not be able to walk down the street unmolested. Except they can and are. Those 定语从句who should be held accountable instead conjured up another bogus impeachment, 分词定语easily passed, 分词定语kicking a good man and his entire movement in the ribs on the way out the door, all for their perverse vindictive pleasure.

The promised indictments and a reckoning for Spygate, Benghazi, Uranium One, Hillary Clinton’s emails, Biden Family grifting, election fraud, and a host of other banana republic type activity has been swept under the rug. These scandals have been buried by the media, not investigated by those 分词定语charged with enforcing the law, 分词定语ignoring “fidelity, bravery, integrity”, the oxymoronic motto of the FBI.

Rumored sealed indictments may next week head to the shredder along with those unfolded mail-in ballots, the circle for Joe Biden 分词定语filled out perfectly absent any downstream votes. Every scandal will be buried and those 定语从句who dare speak of them will be labeled as a conspiracy kook and banned from social media and perhaps life in general.

Republicans happily gave up their power. In Trump’s first two years they controlled both houses of Congress and accomplished little. Soon they will control nothing and be as irrelevant状语从句 as the California GOP.

Senators like Ted Cruz can wag their silver tongues at social media oligarchs during virtual hearings, 分词状语getting a few evening news sound bites but nothing more. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was so unintimidated by recent Congressional hearings 状语从句that he is doubling down saying,

"We know 宾语从句we are focused on one account right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, and the next few weeks, and go on beyond the inauguration."

Yes, it will. 分词状语Depending on how this week plays out, the purge will only ramp up. Want to comment on this article? You can’t. At least you can read it, for now. How soon until conservative web sites like American Thinker go the way of Parler?

Welcome to one way this week may play out, the “Great Reset.” Is this some conspiracy theory or fact? Ask the World Economic Forum, 定语从句which describes the Great Reset, “The future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.” You can bet 宾语从句that under such a reset, the views of anyone to the right of AOC or Bernie will not be “the priorities of societies.”

In practical terms, this means eliminating the Electoral College, 状语从句as House Democrats promise to do with their new Congressional majorities. Then New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles can pick the next president, 分词状语making the hassle of late-night ballot dumps and fraudulent vote counts unnecessary. Biden also promises citizenship to 11 million illegals on day one, more Democrat voters, 分词状语shifting Texas from red to blue.

The Green New Deal and Medicare-For-All are ready to be passed 状语从句as quickly as impeachment and signed into law. A few new states and a stacked liberal Supreme Court will give the ruling class carte blanche with the First and Second Amendments, and anything else 定语从句they desire. COVID lockdowns and restrictions are suddenly deemed unnecessary with a new president, 分词定语having served their purpose of getting rid of the Orange Man.

Retribution is next. Aside from the social media purge, expect Trump supporters to be ostracized and ultimately cancelled, as Harvard petitioners want to do by revoking Trump supporters’ diplomas. Are reeducation camps and gulags next for those 定语从句who dared support President Trump, 状语从句as a suddenly-former PBS lawyer recently suggested?

This is more than a simple fork in the road, it’s truly “biblical,” as some have promised these days would be. The fork is between heaven and hell, not just for America but for the world. Dark days of tyranny or the light of freedom and liberty. Good versus evil.

Trump knows the stakes 状语从句as he talked about this before and during his presidency. He knows宾语从句 what’s in store for his family, supporters, and all the good 定语从句he did in four years, cancelled, and erased, relegated to media revision to the point 结果状语从句that woke history books will place Trump in the same category as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

状语从句If he strikes out this week, that’s on him. After four years as commander in chief, the fact 同位语从句that none of the promised swamp draining happened is his fault. He knows how to be the boss. Was he compromised or was this all big but empty talk? Did he endure four years of constant ridicule and attack just to slink away at the end after a stolen election? We’ll see.

Declassifications are finally happening, but too little and too late to make any difference. Perhaps a year or two ago they would have been relevant, but now so what? The media won’t report it, and no one will investigate or punish the wrong doers. Forget the FBI, DOJ, or Congress, 定语从句who see nothing wrong and want to move along. 状语从句If a declassification falls in the forest but no one cares to investigate it, does it make a sound?

Who will be left to stop any of this? Certainly not elected Republicans 定语从句who sat by状语从句 while this all happened, 分词状语pretending not to see it or else encouraging it. Is Trump holding a royal flush ready to play this week? Many think so but the game is almost over. I’m losing optimism but also hope Trump proves me wrong.

This week is it, the last pitch of the game, a home run or strike three. America and the world are either awakened or reset. Time to buckle up and pray 状语从句as there will be no do over.

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