Larry Johnson: The CIA Has Become the KGB

My title may appear to be over the top, but hear me out. There was a time when the CIA, despite deep flaws and sloppy tradecraft, could be counted on to tell the President, regardless of political party, the truth. No longer. It is corrupt to the very top and now should be viewed as an enemy of the Republic.

The latest revelations from the Intelligence Community’s Analytic Ombudsman 分词定语described in a memo from DNI John Ratcliffe is beyond shocking. Rather than tell the truth about Chinese interference in the 2020 Presidential election, the CIA opted to quash intelligence 定语从句that would have proven Donald Trump’s claim 同位语从句that the Chinese not only interfered in the 2020 election, but played a hand in throwing the election to Joe Biden.

Here are the salient points of the DNI’s memo:

The IC’s Analytic Ombudsman issued a report . . . that includes concerning revelations about the politicization of China election influence reporting and of undue pressure being brought to bear on analysts 定语从句who offered an alternative view 分词状语based on the intelligence. . . .

Analytic Standard B requires the IC to maintain “independence of political considerations.” This is particularly important during times 定语从句when the country is, as the Ombudsman wrote, “in a hyper partisan state.” However, the Ombudsman found that:

“China analysts were hesitant to assess Chinese actions as undue influence or interference. These analysts appeared reluctant to have their analysis on China brought forward 状语从句because they tend to disagree with the administration’s policies, 分词状语saying in effect, I don’t want our intelligence 宾语补语used to support those policies. This behavior would constitute a violation of Analytic Standard B: Independence of Political Considerations (IRTPA Section 1019).”. . . .

“There were strong efforts to suppress analysis of alternatives (AOA) in the August [National intelligence Council Assessment on foreign election influence], and associated IC products, 定语从句which is a violation ofTradecraft Standard 4 and IRTPA Section 1017.

National Intelligence Council (NIC) officials reported 宾语从句that Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials rejected NIC coordination comments and tried to downplay alternative analyses in their own production during the drafting of the NICA.” . . . .

Additionally, the Ombudsman found 宾语从句that CIA Management took actions 分词宾补“pressuring [analysts] to withdraw their support” from the alternative viewpoint on China “in an attempt to suppress it. This was seen by National Intelligence Officers (NIO) as politicization,”

“There were strong efforts to suppress analysis of alternatives (AOA) in the August [National intelligence Council Assessment on foreign election influence], and associated IC products, 定语从句which is a violation ofTradecraft Standard 4 and IRTPA Section 1017.

National Intelligence Council (NIC) officials reported宾语从句 that Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials rejected NIC coordination comments and tried to downplay alternative analyses in their own production during the drafting of the NICA.”

Let me make this very simple–the CIA cooked the books 状语从句because they did not want to produce the evidence 定语从句that proved 宾语从句what the President has been saying since the election was true.

This is not a mistake. This is treason of the highest order.

This is not the first time 定语从句that the CIA has produced politicized intelligence or has refused to produce contrary intelligence. But is it the first time 定语从句that the CIA has taken a blatantly partisan stance against an American President and sided with a foreign enemy.

The CIA has cooked the books before. One of its most damaging acts of intelligence sabotage in the past was manufacturing the Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction fraud 定语从句that was used by then President Bush to launch an unnecessary and unjustified war in Iraq in 2003. But back then there were a few senior officers定语从句 who continued to conduct themselves with professionalism and exposed the lies of Curveball, 定语从句which was a major foundation of the mendacious assessment 同位语从句that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

I was an analyst at the CIA and saw first hand宾语从句 how politics brought pressure to bear on analysts to slant analysis. In my case, it was the war in Central America. I was the Honduran analyst from September 1986 to September 1989. I wrote frequently for the Presidential Daily Brief (aka PDB), 分词状语producing on average three briefs a week for the President (Reagan and Bush). [Note, most analysts were lucky if they wrote one PDB every two weeks.] Before starting my work I had the honor of being trained as a new analyst by the legendary George Allen. George Allen, not the football coach, was a 30 year veteran of US military intelligence and the CIA.

He authored the book, None So Blind: A Personal Account of the Intelligence Failure in Vietnam. Book From his vantage point as a chief official with the CIA and army intelligence, Mr. Allen reveals specifically宾语从句 how American leaders, 主语补语unwilling to face up to bad news from intelligence sources, largely excluded intelligence from important policy deliberations状语从句 until it was too late. . . .

One message shines through his recounting of more than three decades of American policy-making in Vietnam, 同位语从句what Allen calls the “unwillingness of U.S. officials to confront reality in Vietnam.” Allen names the names of those officials. They included the three top Army generals 分词定语sent to South Vietnam in the 1950s and early 1960s (Joseph “Lightning Joe” Collins, Samuel T. “Hanging Sam” Williams and Paul Harkins); the ambassador to South Vietnam in 1964-1965, Maxwell Taylor; and Johnson administration heavies Walt Rostow, McGeorge and William Bundy and Robert S. McNamara.

George Allen was in charge of the analysis on Vietnam during the lead up to the TET offensive. George, along with his lead analyst, were warning President Johnson宾语从句 that the Viet Cong was far more powerful than being reported by US military commanders in Vietnam, General William Westmoreland in particular. George was pressured repeatedly by Secretary of Defense McNamara, National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and even President Johnson to, “be a team player.” In other words, go with the flow and back up the happy talk 同位语从句that Vietnam was well in hand by the U.S. military. But the intelligence from the field told a different story.

It was only several years after we pulled out of Vietnam主语从句 that the American public heard the truth of the deception during a libel suit分词定语 brought by General William Westmoreland against CBS.

Major General Joseph McChristian, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence under Westmoreland, testified at trial 宾语从句that when he had presented new increased enemy strength estimates, Westmoreland had responded 宾语从句that sending these figures to Washington would “create a political bombshell” and would “embarrass my commander in chief [President Johnson].” [9] General McChristian testified宾语从句 that, in withholding these figures, Westmoreland, “in being loyal to the President, was disloyal to his country.”[10

George warned us about the reality of political pressure and called us to stand strong against that pressure. He was very candid in talking about his lack of courage in pushing back 状语从句when he was confronted with this pressure. He had kids in high school and no deep-pocket financial resources to enable him to take the risk of opposing too strenuously and being left without a job.

主语从句What DNI Ratcliffe reports is different and more ominous. Rather than oppose a crazed policy concocted by a President, the current batch of CIA leaders and some complicit analysts chose to lie. Rather than expose the truth about China and its subversion, they collaborated to thwart President Trump in his bid to expose the Chinese penetration and manipulation of the US election.

I spoke with a retired CIA colleague last night定语从句 who was heartbroken and sick over this latest revelation. Until yesterday he still harbored the hope 同位语从句that there were still some good apples in CIA leadership 定语从句who would put politics aside and serve the interests of the Republic regardless of their partisan leanings. He told me, “our old outfit is rotten to the core.”

The CIA is now transformed into the KGB of the bad old days in the sense 定语从句that it is filled with political hacks eager to serve one particular party without regard for the welfare of the nation. The KGB told their Soviet masters 宾语从句what they wanted to hear. You did not advance in that intelligence service 状语从句unless you played along. Speaking truth to power was not a virtue in the KGB. It is in that sense 主语从句that the CIA has become the very thing定语从句 it was created to fight.

This is a watershed in the history of America and marks a point 定语从句that will make it very difficult for us to survive. Instead of providing the best analysis 形容词结构free of politics, the stench of the political corruption定语从句 that covers Washington has now fully embraced the CIA.

Intelligence analysis, at its root, is more art than science. Answers usually are not black and white. There are vast amounts of gray intelligence and nuance. An honest process requires the analyst, and his or her bosses, to present the facts, good and bad. 状语从句If there is dissenting views those are supposed to be laid on the table as well; not suppressed.

The IC Analytic Ombudsman makes it very clear 代表宾语that intelligence was hidden from the President and the Congress. We have been told a massive lie about a clean election. It was not. It was dirty as hell.

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