Back to the Obama’s Failed Policies and Blinkered Personnel – American Thinker

Donald J. Trump has been the most consequential President in my lifetime since Ronald Reagan. Issues & Insights counts some of the ways, 分词状语listing the 10 most significant.

“He slashed individual and business taxes, he forged peace in the Middle East, He created Operation Warp Speed, 定语从句which “may well end up saving hundreds of thousands of lives in coming years,” he deregulated our economy, 分词状语saving “the average American household an average of $3,100 a year,” he got rid of Obama’s individual mandate, he restored balance on the Supreme Court, he forced NATO to reform and in so doing “likely saved the West’s main military alliance,” he encouraged U.S. energy independence so that we are “one of the only major countries 定语从句whose CO2 emissions are plunging, with output now at the lowest levels since 1984,” he reformed immigration and built more than 450 miles of wall “to control entrance to our nation,” he withdrew from the Paris Climate Deal 定语从句which commits only major industrial nations to shrink their economies.

An email to Glenn Reynolds measures President Trump’s achievements in yet another important way:

Trump showed that the annihilation of the American middle class was not the result of inevitable forces. Technological change and globalization are not weather or the movement of tectonic plates. The economy, and 名词从句who gets what from whom, is embedded in political choices. 名词从句Who pays the costs and who reaps the benefits are political choices. 名词从句Who is crushed by the legal system and who benefits from it, and who is insulated from it, are also political choices. Trump will never be forgiven for showing normal people 宾语从句that their destruction, and the enrichment of other people, 定语从句who despise everything 定语从句that they love, believe in, and care about, is a policy decision. Trump showed other choices are possible.

分词状语Having seen once how it actually works, we can never unsee it.

That is Trump’s greatest achievement.

His successor was sworn in this week behind 12-foot fences 分词定语topped with razor wire and in the presence of over twenty thousand troops, 同位语a show of force and as well as a display of the insecurity of his administration. It is unlikely 主语从句he would have had a cheering crowd of thousands on hand in any event.

Biden shares with Obama his demonstrated disregard for the troops, 定语从句some 200 of which have now tested positive for COVID, by requiring loyalty checks on them and forcing 5000 of them from the Capitol to camp out in an unheated parking garage with no internet reception, a single toilet, and only one electric outlet. (Trump has invited them to house at his hotel near the White House.) Three governors were so disgusted with Biden’s treatment of their troops 状语从句they withdrew them: Ron De Santis (Florida), Greg Abbott (Texas), and Chris Sununu (New Hampshire).

分词状语Recognizing this had become a public-relations disaster, Jill Biden went to the garage to hand out chocolate-chip cookies for media photographers to capture. And as humiliating to the new commander-in-chief was his team’s lack of foresight. Biden fired the chief White House usher on inauguration day and failed to name a successor, so after the swearing in, 状语从句when the Bidens went to enter the White House, they arrived to a locked door and stood outside forlornly for 10 seconds with the cameras rolling. It’s the chief usher 主语从句who opens the door, and there was none. Finally, a member of the staff 定语从句who remained took it upon himself to admit them.

From the beginning, Biden sends the message 同位语从句that by executive fiat and personnel choices he plans to double down on policies 定语从句that will undo Trump’s achievements and weaken our nation 分词状语while further restricting American liberties. Democrats found COVID a convenient means to open the gates to election fraud and population control, and now they plan to use this example as a governing principle, 分词状语demonizing their opponents while mouthing calls for “unity.”

状语从句If it’s true 主语从句that personnel is policy, let’s have a look at some of his picks. Susan Rice, John Kerry, and Samantha Power are Obama retreads, but there are others just as statist and loony. His choice to head the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division is Kristen Clarke author of this: “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something 定语从句which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.” Anita Dunn as a “senior advisor,” 同位语a woman 定语从句who regards Mao Tse-Tung, the worst mass murderer in history, as one of her “favorite political philosophers.”

It’s not just the abhorrent beliefs and records of his selection 定语从句that raises eyebrows. It’s the utter incompetence 定语从句that shines through. Thus 状语从句though the CDC ranked Wisconsin the 48th state in distribution of the COVID vaccine, the head of that state’s DHS, Andrea Palm, is Biden’s choice for deputy secretary of HHS. The incompetent handling of the vaccine distribution there is described here. As assistant secretary for health in the HHS department he named Dr. Rachel Levine, 分词状语thus filling a transgender slot. She was the health official in charge of Pennsylvania’s COVID response. State Senator Doug Mastriano called for her to resign after she adopted and failed to rescind orders to house COVID patients in nursing homes. “Let me state this clearly, this order by Secretary Levine is responsible for the deaths of approximately 2,500 of our citizens, and displays the gross incompetence of someone 形容词定语unfit for office. The bottom line is Secretary Levine has failed to protect our most vulnerable population.” State representative Ross Diamond joined Mastriano in calling for her resignation:

…the high volume of nursing home deaths in Kirkland, Washington, at the start of the pandemic should have been a warning to Levine.

“Instead of heeding that clear warning, Dr. Levine instituted Department of Health policies 定语从句which halted routine inspections and issued guidance for nursing facilities to admit and readmit patients 定语从句who tested positive for COVID-19,” Diamond said in May.

“For vulnerable Pennsylvanians 分词定语residing in those facilities, it’s like they were being forced to live within a ticking time bomb.”

It was a bad situation 定语从句that Levine removed her mother from 状语从句while others perished, he said.

(Of course, as Daniel Henninger observes, the craziness of the COVID vaccine distribution, particularly in blue states, “is at a level of dangerous absurdity.”)

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状语从句Just as the centralized model of statecraft fails, the Biden administration wants to return to that model, 同位语a model that gets failing marks next to the streamlined one for inoculations in Florida, West Virginia, and Texas.

Henninger continues:

How refreshing it would be 状语从句if someone on the left would blow the whistle on the dysfunctional complexity of government bigness and say 宾语从句the solution lies in the opposite direction, 状语从句as was suggested in the early days of Bill Clinton’s presidency.

The pandemic again offers guidance: Private, parochial and charter schools returned quickly to teaching, 状语从句while the too-big public systems stayed closed. 状语从句Even as vaccine distribution faltered, the gig economy never stopped delivering stuff everywhere.

In fact, and optimistically, for all the problems in the vaccination “last mile,” the organizations 分词定语administering the injections — from hospitals to pharmacies inside supermarkets — have been efficient, friendly and competent. But please note: This superb last-inch effort is not top-down — the failed Andrew Cuomo model 定语从句that is soon to be Joe Biden’s. It works 状语从句because it is decentralized.

Government 分词定语as currently configured can’t deliver. We await someone 定语从句who will run for office on that reality状语从句 before the next pandemic arrives.

Simply put, too many cooks in the government 分词定语adding to and stirring the pot for their advantage produces a tardy, tasteless product.

Not only are the personnel choices distressing, but so were the firings. There was the general counsel of the NLRB, 分词定语confirmed in that position 定语从句for which there were 10 months remaining in his tenure. Worse yet, per Mollie Hemingway, was 动名词placing the General Counsel of the National Security Agency’s General Counsel Michael J. Ellis on administrative leave.

Beyond personnel choices are his executive actions, 定语从句most of which are politically unfeasible nonstarters or which will embroil the administration in lengthy litigation. Texas has already filed suit to require him to lift a 100-day deportation freeze; pipeline unions are already furious at the halt to the Keystone Pipeline and companies 定语从句which sunk so much into its construction may have a say in this about-face, 状语从句as may the Canadian government. Moreover, there are, 状语从句as the Foundation for Economic Ediucation notes, other serious consequences to this move. It may well increase CO2 emissions, cost 11,000 jobs and 1.6 billion in wages, and discourage future business investment.

So much of 名词从句what the new administration believes is contrafactual. The continued claim 同位语从句that climate change is an effect of human activity and that there is “systemic racism” flies in the face of both real climate science and the fact 同位语从句that the fastest-growing demographic in the country is people of two or more races. The Dem-Media itself is forced to do back flips to paint Trump followers as racists 状语从句since he enjoyed such a high level of support among minorities. The Washington Post treats this absurdly, 分词状语claiming minorities 定语从句who support him suffer from something分词定语 called “multiracial whiteness.”

And women 定语从句who supported Biden may have to rethink 宾语从句what they supported. One of his orders permits transgendered men 定语从句who identify as women with obvious strength superiority to complete in women’s sports and to share shelters 分词定语designated for women, restroom, shower and locker facilities. Normals certainly find such rules 宾补objectionable and often dangerous.

Some of these orders may run afoul of the same issues of administrative law 定语从句which precluded President Trump from undoing Obama’s executive order on DACA. Others will engender suits 分词定语claiming breaches of contractual obligations. Certainly we’ll see now 宾语从句that the White House has changed hands whether tolerating district courts’ penchant to issue nationwide injunctions will remain unchanged by the Supreme Court.

In sum, I think the administration is already overreaching, and in appeasing the far left will face an increasingly energized and angry citizenry. You can help by supporting organizations like Judicial Watch, Pacific Legal Foundation, and FIRE, organizations dedicated to preserving your constitutional rights.

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