Watching as the USA Falls Prey to the Allure of Communism – American Thinker

Repeatedly, one needs to ask: how is it possible 主语从句that such a vile and discredited system as communism continues to gain traction among so many people?

Like others before me, I am astonished at the prescience of W. Cleon Skousen, 同位语author of The Naked Communist, 定语从句who, in 1958, explained “how many well-meaning citizens have become involved in pushing forward the Communist program without realizing it. They became converted to Communist objectives 状语从句because they accepted superficial Communist slogans.” Skousen succinctly explained 45 communist goals, and, sadly, Americans have either been bludgeoned into accepting far too many of them or have naïvely accepted them without realizing their ultimate consequences.

Goal #31: “Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground 同位语从句that it was only a minor part of ‘the big picture.’ Give more emphasis to Russian history 状语从句since the Communists took over.”

Consider the execrable move to incorporate the error-filled “1619 Project” into schools and marvel at the success of communists to ensure 宾语从句that American children will come to despise our foundational ideas. In fact, in his first day as president, Biden ended the 1776 Commission to Create a Patriotic History Curriculum 定语从句that is in direct contrast to the “1619 Project,” 定语从句which reflects a decidedly anti-American, factually incorrect, and blatantly biased program 定语从句that is currently being pushed through the U.S. education system.

It follows then 主语从句that Goal #30 is to “discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats 定语从句who had no concern for the ‘common man.'” Predictably, this has resulted in a disdain and derision regarding those dead white men 定语从句who prepared some of the finest documents 分词定语ever created but 定语从句who are now being defamed and 定语从句whose statues are being defaced with red paint.

Goal #35: “Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.” The FBI no longer has the trust of most Americans, given the scope of wrongdoing 分词定语committed by the top echelon of the agency — i.e., Comey. Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity are no longer associated with 名词从句what was once an agency revered by most Americans. Christopher Wray continues as head of the FBI under the Biden administration.

One could just as well include the CIA. After all, in 1976, John Brennan voted for the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) presidential nominee, Gus Hall. 状语从句As historian Ron Radosh points out, “[t]he CPUSA at that time was dedicated to gaining support for Soviet foreign policy, with the intent of defeating the United States in the Cold War[.] … Moscow regularly gave Hall thousands of dollars to enable the Communists in America to carry on their work. Brennan has explained 宾语从句that his motivation for supporting Hall, was 名词从句that he [Brennan] was unhappy ‘with the system’ and saw a ‘need for change.'” Indeed!

Goal #38: “Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies.” With the move toward defunding the police, this goal is being cemented in many Democrat-held cities. Consequently, in Minneapolis, activists maintain宾语从句 that “[f]ar from being a naive concept, police abolition is the only viable option for ending the systematic and unrelenting abuse of our communities.” So despite “concern about record crime rates in the city, nearly $8 million will be ‘redirected’ from the police budget to other programs.”

Goal #42: “Create the impression 同位语从句that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ‘united force’ to solve economic, political or social problems.” 分词状语Beginning with Occupy Wall Street and expanding to the lawlessness of Portland, Oregon, this is a communist dream come true. After all, the media have already fallen prey to Goal #21, 定语从句which is “gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures,” 状语从句so that Chris Cuomo can tell his viewers 宾语从句that millions of dollars of damage 分词定语inflicted upon Americans is perfectly fine. Cities burn, people’s livelihoods go up in smoke, small businesses are destroyed — and all is well.

Goal #41 is perhaps the most insidious of all communist goals and the most successful in destroying the nuclear family unit. Thus, “emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.”

Enter the transgender movement. The corrosive impact of transgender ideology is ignored — i.e., elimination of sex-protected rights and freedom of association. Transgenderism “has come to be not just accepted but often promoted in key public institutions such as education, health care, social work, the police [emphasis mine] and prison service.”

Concerned parents are now being “backed into a room that unsettles [them] 分词状语prodded by the fear of causing offence as they ponder the notion同位语从句 that ‘transwomen are women.'” 状语从句If they offer any resistance, they are the ones 定语从句who are shamed, 状语从句while their children may endure double-mastectomies or puberty-blockers 定语从句that can cause permanent infertility. Unsuspecting parents are being told to use euphemistic language “so as not to offend those biological women 定语从句who identify as something else — as ‘non-binary’ or ‘transmen.'” The terms “birthing people” and “menstruators” are used to refer to women 状语从句so that men定语从句 who call themselves women don’t feel left out.

In November 2019, the ACLU piously proclaimed, 'There's no one way to be a man. Men 定语从句who get their periods are men. Men 定语从句who get pregnant and give birth are men.' At the time, the announcement seemed unhinged. But one year later, we chuckle and say: Well, of course they are. And we recite the most sacred creed of our age: 'Transwomen are women.' (动名词Denying this was enough to get Irish writer Graham Linehan kicked off Twitter for good.) 主语从句That it's a lie doesn't matter to those who press its acceptance. But it is a lie. Transwomen (biological men 定语从句who identify as women) do not possess female biology; they are not women. One might reasonably ask: 状语从句If it's a lie, what's the harm of it? We tell our friends 宾语从句they're beautiful or thin, 宾语从句that they make good points or 宾语从句that they sing well when they don't. One might even say 宾语从句that a thousand white lies are a necessary precondition for a social life, even friendship. The public space is different — the lies 分词定语told there have real, even lethal, consequences. For our democracy to function, for a diverse public to be able to communicate and work together, we must speak in objective terms 定语从句to which we all have access. We must make points plainly. We must strive toward accuracy 状语从句so that we may clearly recognize the issues at stake. We must, each of us, give up some of the private beliefs 分词定语embedded in our ways of thinking and speaking in order to be widely understood.

Moreover, Pelosi has now moved to eradicate language 定语从句that expresses the reality of familial relationships. The terms father, mother, son, brother, sister and so forth will now be erased from House proceedings.

How many people truly realize 宾语从句that these actions constitute the entire mosaic of the communist line-up for world domination?

It is truly a lurching epiphany 状语从句when comprehension dawns and people begin to connect the dots. We can no longer view separate events 分词定语occurring in this country as disconnected from one another. They are inextricably linked. Under the guise of compassion is the fervent implantation of communism.

It is an eerie but absolutely necessary awakening. All these maneuvers by the left-wing social justice crowd are not and have never been to assist people. They have one goal in mind: install communism and ultimate control of people’s lives. 不定式主语To dissent is an invitation to be destroyed.

As Skousen wrote, “[t]he war between freedom and slavery can be lost in the legislative halls of free men. The wave of socialism 定语从句which is sweeping many free western nations towards a kind of suppressive feudalism is gaining ground.”

Sixty-three years ago, Skousen succinctly laid out the communist blueprint. 状语从句Until Americans truly understand the nefarious and never-ending goals of communists, we will continue to lose the country. The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen needs to be read by every American, especially the young and impressionable among us 定语从句who deserve better.

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