Buyer’s Remorse? Let’s Blame the Press – American Thinker

In his first week in office President Asterisk has done his old boss proud. In just six days, lunch bucket Joe has signed 36 executive orders and put tens of thousands of jobs at risk. He’s cancelled major construction projects like the Keystone XL pipeline and the border wall — 分词状语resulting in lost jobs for the very unions 定语从句who endorsed him. He is reestablishing a moratorium on energy exploration on federal lands and rejoined the Paris Agreement on climate change. These orders will cause further job losses in the energy sector and lost revenue in states 定语从句that supported him. 状语从句If that were not enough, his relaxation of border control and immigration enforcement will result in an influx of illegal immigrants 分词定语competing for the remaining jobs. Luckily, Joe has also thoughtfully issued and order expanding food assistance programs. Thousands of unemployed workers may need it.

状语从句Even though the Harris/Biden administration is in its infancy, it has already triggered a flood of complaints of “buyer’s remorse.” It seems many 定语从句who voted for Joe weren’t expecting this. In the immortal words of Rahm Emanuel, “never let a good crisis go to waste.” I say 宾语从句we help those with “buyer’s remorse” get over it. We should give them a scapegoat. Let’s blame the press. It wasn’t the voter’s fault — they were misled.

Biden voters were victims of a four-year propaganda campaign to smear Donald Trump and drag the Democrat nominee — any nominee — across the finish line, truth be damned.

Mark Twain once said, “状语从句If you don’t read the papers you’re uninformed. 状语从句If you do read the papers you’re misinformed.” I submit that in this case, the voters have been subjected to both. Evidence of legacy news media propaganda during the four years of the Trump administration are legion.

动名词主语Reporting about the Biden family influence-for-graft business was nonexistent. In fact, Joe’s brother and his son received millions of dollars from China, the Ukraine, and Russia. Their business dealings have been highly suspicious and included exorbitant salaries as board members, consulting contracts, and even partial ownership of foreign companies. Hunter Biden even won many of these opportunities after traveling to these countries with his father — the vice president! The legacy media mysteriously never mentioned 宾语从句that Joe’s family was getting this money 状语从句while Vice President Biden was influencing U.S. policy with those very countries.

The legacy media didn’t bother to mention 宾语从句that Hunter Biden is under federal investigation, and 宾语从句that Joe may be implicated. Hunter Biden’s laptop had been abandoned and its contents were legally disclosed. The contents revealed 宾语从句that Joe Biden was actively involved in Hunter’s business dealings — even to the point of sharing an office with a Chinese businessman. The laptop even disclosed 宾语从句that a percentage of the business proceeds were to go to Joe. Yet Joe has always claimed宾语从句 he had no involvement in Hunter’s business. The legacy media spiked stories on the subject and social media censored anyone 分词定语attempting to report it.

It is an established fact 主语从句that Joe Biden intimidated the Ukraine into shutting down an investigation of his son. After 动名词learning 宾语从句that a Ukrainian prosecutor was looking into Hunter’s business dealings, Vice President Biden threatened to withhold one billion dollars in aid 状语从句unless the prosecutor was fired. The prosecutor was fired and the investigation was terminated — within six hours of the threat. The legacy media have claimed 宾语从句that this story was debunked. But Joe actually said 宾语从句he did it himself, to an audience, and on camera (what a genius). He wouldn’t have lied, would he?

The legacy news media made no mention of the fact 同位语从句that Joe has been credibly accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade. Granted, Joe has not been indicted nor convicted of anything, but Ms. Reade does have corroborating witnesses. The fact同位语从句 that Joe’s predations may go well beyond inappropriate hugging and hair sniffing seems like something 定语从句his voters should know — no?

The media has called Donald Trump a racist for four years, with never a mention of Joe’s numerous racist comments. Aside from insulting minorities with reckless abandon (including his former boss, Barack Obama), Joe has had disturbing associations with known racists. In fact, he spoke in glowing terms about, and even eulogized Robert Byrd, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan.

The legacy media claimed 宾语从句that President Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. They didn’t bother to mention宾语从句 that Vice President Biden was involved in instigating the FBI investigation 定语从句that drove the “Russian collusion” narrative. For three years, the media reported 宾语从句leaks from the investigation 定语从句that claimed solid evidence of Trump’s collusion was forthcoming. However, the evidence never materialized. Funny, they didn’t bother to tell anyone 宾语从句that the Mueller investigation cleared Trump of any such collusion.

And perhaps the worst misrepresentation of all, Biden promised to do everything 定语从句that he is now doing. On the campaign trail he promised to end fracking, cancel drilling leases, open the borders, forgive student debt, provide Medicare for all, and rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement. 主语从句That this was unknown to his voters is a shocking indictment of the legacy media.

I can certainly see 宾语从句why the Biden voters feel betrayed. How could they have possibly known 宾语从句what they were voting for? It wasn’t their fault. It was all the news media’s fault. At least that’s 名词从句what I’m telling them. They simply had nowhere to turn for the truth — other than American Thinker, Breitbart News, Redstate, RealClearPolitics, Townhall, Newsmax, and 75 million screaming conservatives.

For those with buyer’s remorse, welcome to the conservative movement. We are the genuine “big tent” of politics. We don’t care about your nation of origin, race, gender, religion, or orientation — only your values.

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