Legalizing election fraud, forever – American Thinker

H.R. 1 is Nancy Pelosi’s signature bill, and exploring it is like taking a deep dive into political depravity. A partisan House passed it on March 3, without any Republican votes. 状语从句While it’s currently before the Senate, provided the filibuster continues to exist, it’s predicted to fail. The filibuster’s continuation depends on ethical behavior by a few moderate Democrats, 定语从句who are probably getting their arms twisted by Chuck Schumer, 定语从句who wants it gone.

The ludicrously named “For the People Act of 2021” is a dream for elite progressives and a nightmare for everyone else in our great country. 状语从句Whether or not it fails, it can be viewed as an exposé into the caviar wishes of these liberals, 定语从句who are the only ones it would serve. Its primary purpose is to prevent fair elections from ever taking place again and to create a one-party dictatorship in perpetuity.

H.R. 1 is designed to eliminate state control of elections, 定语从句which was specified in the Constitution to safeguard against exactly this type of takeover. 状语从句Because there are more Republican state governments, 27 Republican governors and 30 legislatures, the only way to destroy our electoral process thoroughly is at the federal level.

No doubt, 状语从句if the bill is passed, it will be challenged in court on constitutional grounds; the problem is, we now know 宾语从句we have a Supreme Court 定语从句whose majority is made up of liberals and cowards 定语从句who would rather not make waves. We’ve seen that with Obamacare and, most recently, with the integrity of the 2020 elections being wholly disregarded by the Court.

H.R. 1 wipes out any possibility of a clean election. Most of the provisions of the bill are meant to cause irremediable chaos in the electoral process, thereby 分词状语obfuscating obvious fraud. There are nine parts to the long bill, and within each, there are multiple sections. Here are just a few “highlights”:

Registering to vote via the internet would be legal, and you’d be automatically registered (whether you already were or not) when doing any business with a governmental entity. Election-day registration would be again circumventing the Constitution. It also grants the House of Representatives the authority to redistrict (gerrymander) via an appointed “independent” commission within each state, which panel is specifically taken from an “approved selection pool,” partly designated by race.

Those are just some highlights. The entire bill is available to plow through, 状语从句should you be interested.

I must ask宾语出价 why these people are hell-bent on destroying the U.S. It’s hard to fathom. Greed is at the bottom of it. 状语从句If no fair elections can happen, the ruling classes can do 宾语从句whatever they please.

They can tax the middle class out of existence, 分词状语creating a socialist haven where the elite get very rich and the rest of us get zilch. They can redistribute wealth to all their cronies, and they can create “equity” 定语从句that sees those who don’t have wealth given a boost up to the level playing field 状语从句provided they are willing to be wholly dependent on the largesse of their masters. Those of us who have worked for名词从句 what we have will be kicked off the playing field entirely.

状语从句Once they have consolidated power, look for a wealth tax to bleed not the “über-rich” of their money — those are the people 定语出价who can manipulate the system, donate to the right people, etc. to avoid losing anything — but the rest of us. Remember Margaret Thatcher’s oft-quoted maxim on the direction we’re heading? “The problem with socialism is 表语从句that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

There’s another old proverb 定语从句that pertains, too: “sandals to sandals in three generations.” I’ll add just one more, for my three liberal readers: “buyer, beware!”

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