Our Honesty Crisis: How We Talk about Race – American Thinker


Of all the things that ail us — our honesty crisis might be the one that does us in.

We lie about our ills. We gloss over or ignore statistics that do not support the official narrative of the times and we censor or ban people that tell us things we do not want to hear.

We are the patient that goes to the doctor wanting the physician to lie about the true or fatal nature of our current condition.

Nowhere is this transparency crisis more evident in the last year than in the area of race.

Look at what Democrats and their water-carrying partners in the media did when Robert Long murdered eight people, six of them Asian, at three massage parlors in Atlanta — he was immediately painted as a white supremacist as opposed to just a murdering madman.

Insight on motive from the shooter emerged that, coupled with being a killer, he dealt with sex addiction. In the twisted eyes of a broken psychopath, these massage parlors represented the manifestation of his demons. That is not putting words in a killer’s mouth—it is what he allegedly said.

The media pounced — never mind what the man said. Blue checks on Twitter began circulating and trending the hashtag #stopasianhate. President Biden and Kamala flew to Atlanta. (Neither has made it to the U.S.-Mexican border crisis as of print time.)

The implication was this: white people are hunting down Asian people. They are doing it because, aside from just being inherently racist, Donald Trump inspired it with his talk of COVID-19 and the suspected origins of the virus.

“#stopasianhate” spread like wildfire.

Then a weird thing happened. Despite the hashtag, increasingly, the perpetrators in the videos turned the media narrative on its head.

A man beat and then choked unconscious an Asian man on the New York Subway as onlookers did nothing. A black man brutally attacked Vilma Kari, a 65-year-old Filipino woman, knocking her to ground, stomping her and kicking her repeatedly. According to police, the man told Kari “you don’t belong here” prior to attacking her.

Perhaps equally disheartening or disturbing during the video, the doormen of the hotel that captured the video stood there and watched — with one of them actually walking over and closing the door.

When the suspect, Brandon Elliot, was arrested, it was revealed he was on parole for murdering his mother.

Day after day, we watched black Americans predominantly commit those crimes.

Anyone with eyes and a functioning brain can see and recognize that white people are not hunting down Asians in packs or on an individual basis, much to the chagrin of blue checks and the Democrat party.

This is not a new phenomenon.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics within the DOJ shows that in the most recently published data from 2018, black people account for 27% of crimes against Asians while making up roughly 12–13% of the population.

Across the country, police paraded out a bloodied Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa after he murdered ten people in a King Soopers grocery store.

Vice President Harris’s niece Meena tweeted violent white men are the greatest terror threat to the U.S. — before deleting it. Others suggested he walked out alive because he was white.

To Meena’s credit, Alissa, for the purposes of race-baiting and identity politics alone, looks like a fat, balding white man as he limps across the parking lot.

Alissa, however, was born in Syria. (Fun fact: The Biden administration made the call to bomb Syria a month earlier.)

The murder of ten people — a heinous crime — did not quite fit the bill for non-stop media coverage with a brown shooter and ten white victims.

Less than two weeks later, Noah Green rammed his car into Capitol Police officer William Evans and killed him near the fencing that surrounds the Capitol. When Green emerged from his car with a knife, he was shot and killed. Afterward it was revealed that Green was a follower of Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.

It does not bother me that Green was black or followed Farrakhan. It bothers me that he killed a Capitol Hill police officer a week ago, and we won’t talk about that story for very long. On the other hand, three months after Officer Brian Sicknick died, many people still believe he was beaten to death by white supremacists with a fire extinguishers at the “insurrection” because the media lied so loudly about it.

All of it goes to show that if the lie is big enough, a lot of people do not even notice the correction — even if the victim’s own mother tries to correct the narrative.

“He wasn’t hit on the head, no,” Gladys Sicknick said to the Daily Mail. “We think he had a stroke, but we don’t know anything for sure. We’d love to know what happened.”

I do not know how long a country can fundamentally lie to the citizenry, drive division, and still expect to prosper. With this dishonesty, we have developed and perfected an avoidance of any of the right kind of accountability.

One of the key tenets of Critical Race Theory and modern “wokeism” is that somehow, the minority class cannot be racist. You are essentially taught that black people do not possess the power to exert racism. Critical Race Theory asks you to deny right from wrong and disregard absolute truths — and to make determinations of right and wrong based solely on race or skin color.

The very definition of racism.

I believe that wrong is wrong and right is right. Increasingly, it seems, our society believes that the determining factor in right or wrong is the color of a person’s skin.

Someone evil figured out a long time ago that there was money to be made and power to be gained by pitting groups of people against one another, as Charles Barkley so honestly put it during March Madness.

“Man, I think most white people and black people are great people,” he said. I really believe that in my heart, but I think our system is set up where our politicians, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, are designed to make us not like each other so they can keep their grasp of money and power. They divide and conquer.”

Georgia, Boulder, D.C. — these are all sad stories. They are awful stories. I am confident we can do better.

First, we probably need to be honest about what is really going on.

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