Isn’t It about Time to Stop Lobbing Ridiculous Accusations at Trump? – American Thinker

The Donald J. Trump–bashers have been saying for years, “Trump should go to jail!” This hostile attitude is intended to retaliate for his saying to Hillary Clinton in one of their debates 同位语从句that if he were in office, she would be in jail. So, 分词状语hearing this public slurring of their village queen, the vengeful hearts of her loyal fans desired to turn the tables and actually put him in jail.

One of the real Trump-haters 定语从句who tried to turn his hate into cash was Michael Avenatti. He was the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, a leading pornicator, 状语从句while she want on many TV shows 分词状语claiming that Trump had committed fornication with her while married and that she had been paid off. She even cast aspersions on his private parts. Later, 状语从句when Mr. Avenatti, her lawyer, tried to cheat her, she turned on him and publicly stated 宾语从句that she had lied about Mr. Trump. She did not call it an extortion plot, but that is 表语从句what it was. Now Avenatti is going to jail for 30 months for trying to extort money from Nike. It seems 主语从句that cheating Nike gets you punished, but throwing some repulsive dirt on a sitting president does not.

The Trump-bashers have been investigating DJT for years now — they keep throwing you know what at the wall. Many of the Trump-haters are smart people 定语从句who know how to research and how to produce reams of papers filled with lies. Yet these same manipulators and scoundrels have not been able to pin one credible criminal offense on him. Nevertheless, they continue to make it their life’s work to keep trying.

To the people who support this endless fantasy of putting Mr. Trump in jail, I can only say, “Give up your bitterness.” You don’t have to vote for Trump or like his personality, morals, or policies. But 动名词nursing endless revenge fantasies is not only neurotic; it’s also immoral. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these shall be added unto thee.”

As part of the crusade to defame Trump, his enemies have gone after one of his strongest supporters and advisers: Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City. They claim 宾语从句that Rudy committed crimes when he went to the Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Yet, any citizen might ask: when is it wrong 主语从句for politicians to try to get dirt on their opponents? Politicians like to slime their opponents if they can. The Mueller investigation was a $45-million project to try to slime DJT, and Trump perhaps sent his smart snoopers to look under some rocks to find d-i-r-t about Mr. Bidiot. It used to be called mudslinging. The Democrats had pulled out all the stops on seeking to find dirt on DJT, so it would be fair game for him to do the same. These types of maneuvers are表语从句 why most people understand that politics is a dirty game.

Those分词定语 searching for dirt have to be careful,状语从句 because certain types of snooping are illegal. Mr. Giuliani,分词状语 being one of the more brilliant lawyers in the country, would be someone定语从句 who knows宾语从句 where those fine legal lines are drawn. It remains to be seen 状语从句if he will survive the anti-Trump hate machine.

The anti-Trump voices like to blame DJT for the disturbances (not insurrection) in Washington, D.C. of Jan. 6. Instead of starting with an accusation, let’s start with a definition: what is “responsibility”? There are direct responsibility and indirect responsibility. So状语从句 if I take out a pistol and go into a store and say, “This is a robbery; shut up, and give me your cash,” that would be direct responsibility for robbery. One type of indirect responsibility is表语从句 if a crook had earlier been walking with an alluring woman, and they passed a jewelry store and looked in the window, and she said, “That ring is really nice. 状语从句If I had a ring like that, it would be great.” Then, later, he robbed the store to get the money to buy the ring and win the heart of the woman. In this sense, she is indirectly responsible for the robbery by expressing her interest in the ring. Would it make sense主语从句 for the police to arrest her for the robbery? Most people would agree宾语从句 that it would not.

To the extent 定语从句that Trump is responsible for the events of Jan. 6, it would be only in the above indirect sense. He never told anyone to go break into the Capitol building. He never told anyone to threaten anyone else. He never said, “Let’s show those Democrats 宾语从句what a riotous insurrection really looks like.” He was in no sense an accessory. So there might be a sense定语从句 in which he inspired the rioting of Jan. 6, but it would entail no legal culpability.

As an important side note to this matter of responsibility, many of those 分词定语being accused of direct responsibility for Jan. 6 are nevertheless not receiving due process as guaranteed under the Fifth Amendment, and there are habeas corpus issues in their detention as well. 状语从句Even if one thinks 宾语从句they are vile because of their aggressions (if indeed there were serious aggressions, 定语从句which is questionable), one would expect 宾语从句that there would be greater concern about their not having their constitutional rights respected. 状语从句If they are being held in solitary confinement, then other citizens could likewise be victimized on some other occasions 分词定语having nothing to do with DJT. Authoritarian failure to apply the Constitution is a serious matter.

The attempts to judge Trump as a man of vice, a sinister spymaster, and a violent insurrectionist are all empty as well as vicious charges. We have to see through them in order to remain temperate, rational persons.

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