被解雇的福克斯新闻主持人塔克卡尔森周二表示,他将在推特上发布他的节目“新版本”。 卡尔森作为对媒体的谴责的一部分在社交媒体网站上发布的一段三分钟视频中宣布了这一消息。他称推特是最后一个允许言论自由的大型平台。Tucker Carlson

Source: Tucker Carlson says he’s coming back with show on Twitter | AP News

Fired Fox news host Tucker Carlson said Tuesday that he will be putting out a “new version” of his program on Twitter.

Carlson made his announcement in a three-minute video posted on the social media site, as part of a denunciation of media. He called Twitter that last big remaining platform that allows free speech.

“We’ll be bringing a new version of the show we’ve been doing for the last six and a half years to Twitter,” he said. “We’ll bring some other things, too, which we’ll tell you about. But for now we’re just grateful to be here.”

He offered no other details, and a message to his lawyer, Bryan Freedman, was not immediately returned.

It’s unclear what these plans mean for his remaining contract with Fox; typically television companies include a no-compete clause when someone leaves the air. A Fox spokeswoman didn’t immediately return a call for comment.

Axios reported on Tuesday that Carlson’s lawyers sent a letter to Fox accusing the network of fraud and breach of contract.

Fox announced on April 24 that it was cutting ties with Carlson, its most popular prime-time anchor. The network offered no explanation for the move, and Fox’s ratings in his old time slot have sharply fallen.

被解雇的福克斯新闻主持人塔克卡尔森周二表示,他将在推特上发布他的节目“新版本”。 卡尔森作为对媒体的谴责的一部分在社交媒体网站上发布的一段三分钟视频中宣布了这一消息。他称推特是最后一个允许言论自由的大型平台。他说,“我们将把我们过去六年半一直在做的节目新版本搬到推特上。我们还会带来一些其它东西,我们会告诉你的。但就目前而言,我们很高兴来到这里。” 他没有提供其他细节,给他律师布莱恩弗里德曼的信息也没有得到立即回复。

目前尚不清楚这些计划对他与福克斯的剩余合同意味着什么;当有人离开时,电视公司通常会加入禁止竞争条款。福克斯发言人没有立即回复置评电话。 Axios 周二报道称,卡尔森的律师致信福克斯,指控该公司欺诈和违约行为。

福克斯于 4 月 24 日宣布,将与最受欢迎的黄金时段主播卡尔森断绝关系。该公司没有对此举做出任何解释,福克斯在他原来的时段的收视率急剧下降。

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