周五,乔·拜登总统的儿子亨特被发现登上总统越野车,在 7 月 4 日的周末前往戴维营与家人团聚,这加剧了人们对他为何经常出现在白宫的猜测。就在一天前,美国全国广播公司新闻报道称,总统已向他的政治助手明确表示,他不会听取关于限制与陷于丑闻儿子公开露面的建议。Does


President Joe Biden‘s son Hunter was spotted climbing into the presidential SUV on Friday to join his family at Camp David over the July 4 weekend, adding fire to the speculation on why he has so often been seen at the White House.

That came a day after NBC News reported that the president had made it clear to his political aides that he would not listen to advice on limiting public appearances with his embattled son.

Hunter Biden—a frequent target of Republican scrutiny—has been seen with his father regularly since reaching an agreement with federal prosecutors in June to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax offenses.

His regular appearances with the president before and after the agreement was made public have led some to believe he lives at the White House.

周五,乔·拜登总统的儿子亨特被发现登上总统越野车,在 7 月 4 日的周末前往戴维营与家人团聚,这加剧了人们对他为何经常出现在白宫的猜测。




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