加拿大承诺向驻拉脱维亚加拿大武装部队最大海外驻军提供 26 亿美元的国防开支,北约不断呼吁成员国将其 GDP 的至少 2% 用于国防措施。总理特鲁多于 7 月 10 日在拉脱维亚里加宣布这一消息,在本周举行的北约领导人峰会之前,他和国防部长阿南德将在会上会见多位世界领导人和北约官员Ottawa


Canada is committing $2.6 billion in defence spending toward the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) largest overseas mission, based in Latvia, amid consistent calls from NATO for member countries to spend at least 2 percent of their GDP on defence measures.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the announcement on July 10 in Riga, Latvia, ahead of the NATO Leaders’ Summit this week where Mr. Trudeau and Defence Minister Anita Anand will meet with a number of world leaders and NATO officials.

The $2.6 billion in federal funding will go toward CAF’s “Operation REASSURANCE,” which was established in Latvia in 2014 after NATO agreed on a series of military measures “based on the principles of defence, deterrence and de-escalation meant to reinforce NATO’s collective defence.”

加拿大承诺向驻拉脱维亚加拿大武装部队最大海外驻军提供 26 亿美元的国防开支,北约不断呼吁成员国将其 GDP 的至少 2% 用于国防措施。

总理贾斯汀·特鲁多于 7 月 10 日在拉脱维亚里加宣布这一消息,在本周举行的北约领导人峰会之前,特鲁多先生和国防部长安妮塔·阿南德将在会上会见多位世界领导人和北约官员。

26 亿美元联邦资金将用于加拿大武装部队的“安全行动”,该行动于 2014 年在拉脱维亚确立,此前北约同意采取一系列“基于防御、威慑和消除紧张局势原则的军事措施,旨在加强北约的集体防御” ”。

Canada is committing $2.6 billion in defence spending toward the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) largest overseas 修饰mission, 分词定语based in Latvia, amid consistent calls from NATO for member countries to spend at least 2 percent of their GDP on defence measures.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 宣布made the announcement on July 10 in Riga, Latvia, ahead of the NATO Leaders’ 修饰Summit this week 定语从句=形容词where Mr. Trudeau and Defence Minister Anita Anand will meet with a number of world leaders and NATO officials.

The $2.6 billion in federal funding will go toward CAF’s “修饰Operation REASSURANCE,” 定语从句which was established in Latvia in 2014 after NATO agreed on a series of military measures 分词状语,基于“based on the principles of defence, deterrence and de-escalation meant to reinforce NATO’s collective defence.”

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