《乌克兰新闻报》报道,前线执行作战任务的侦察分队从“乌克兰队”志愿军指挥部接收了一批FPV无人机。 乌克兰国防情报局发布了这一消息。“配备高质量摄像头的受控 FPV 无人机速度可达 100 公里/小时,爬升高度可达 1000 米。有效载荷超过 1 公斤炸药”Ukrainian

Source: Ukrainian intelligence officers receive 150 kamikaze drones from volunteers

A reconnaissance unit that performs combat missions at the front received a batch of FPV drones from the ‘Ukrainian Team’ volunteer headquarters.

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine reported this in a message on Telegram, according to Ukrinform.

“Controlled FPV drones with a high-quality camera are capable of reaching speeds of up to 100 km/h and climbing to an altitude of up to 1000 meters. The payload is more than 1 kilogram of explosives,” the statement reads.

According to the DIU, thousands of citizens donated to purchase 150 of these kamikaze drones as part of a large initiative of the ‘Ukrainian Team’.

As reported, the band “Druha Rika” together with the Diana Podolianchuk Charitable Foundation donated more than UAH 1.8 million to the DIU.

《乌克兰新闻报》报道,前线执行作战任务的侦察分队从“乌克兰队”志愿军指挥部接收了一批FPV无人机。 乌克兰国防情报局在电报频道上发布了这一消息。“配备高质量摄像头的受控 FPV 无人机速度可达 100 公里/小时,爬升高度可达 1000 米。有效载荷超过 1 公斤炸药。”

作为“乌克兰团队”大型倡议一部分,数千名公民捐款购买了 150 自杀无人机。 据报道,“Druha Rika”乐队与 Diana Podoliianchuk 慈善基金会一起向乌克兰国防情报局捐赠了超过 180 万乌克兰格里夫纳。

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