《乌克兰新闻报》援引总统新闻服务报道,泽连斯基总统在 8 月 19 日星期六晚间的视频讲话中说,我们在瑞典“鹰狮”战斗机方面取得了突破性成果——酷炫的现代瑞典战机。 我们的士兵已经开始测试这些战机。 我们正在一步一步、一步一步地谈判,我们越来越接近鹰狮战机出现在我们天空。Zelensky


President Zelensky said this in his video address late on Saturday evening, August 19, Ukrinform reports with reference to the president’s press service.

Dear Ukrainians!

Today, we are working all day in Sweden, now we are finishing the day in Stockholm. Weapons for our warriors are the main thing. There are results, and they are much needed results.

Armored vehicles – СV90, cool vehicles. Just what is needed at the front. Not only supply from partners – although we are accelerating it – but also production in Ukraine. Our production. New production. There is an agreement with Sweden on the production of СV90 in our country. Everything powerful that serves us now, we must localize and produce. We will do so.

The second is Archer systems for our gunners. Our boys are already studying in Sweden. The powerful system, the necessary system. We are working to have more of them in Ukraine.

The third is modern aviation. We are trying very, very hard to increase the capabilities of military aviation. This is one of the hardest tasks, but I am sure: we will accomplish it. Now, we have a breakthrough result regarding Gripen fighters – cool, modern Swedish combat aircraft. Our soldiers are already starting to test them. And we are step by step, negotiation by negotiation, we are getting closer to the fact that Gripen fighters will appear in our sky. Today, in particular, I talked about this with the Prime Minister of Sweden, with representatives of the Swedish parliamentary parties. Thank you for understanding our needs! We are working on the beginning of the stage with the training of our boys on Gripen fighters. We will discuss the details.

《乌克兰新闻报》援引总统新闻服务报道,泽连斯基总统在 8 月 19 日星期六晚间的视频讲话中说,


今天,我们在瑞典工作一整天,现在我们在斯德哥尔摩结束这一天。 对于我们的战士来说,武器是最重要的。 我们达成非常需要的结果。

СV90装甲车,很酷的战车。 正是前面所需要的。 不仅来自合作伙伴的供应,我们与瑞典就在我国生产 СV90 达成协议。 现在为我们服务的一切强大的装备,我们都必须本地化和生产。 我们会这样做。

第二个是为我们的炮手提供的弓箭手系统。 我们的小伙子已经在瑞典学习了。 强大的系统,必备的系统。 我们正在努力在乌克兰拥有更多这样的系统。

三是现代空军。 我们正在非常非常努力地提高空军能力。 这是最艰巨的任务之一,但我确信:我们会完成。 现在,我们在“鹰狮”战斗机方面取得了突破性成果——酷炫的现代瑞典战机。 我们的士兵已经开始测试这些战机。 我们正在一步一步、一步一步地谈判,我们越来越接近鹰狮战机出现在我们天空。 今天,我特别与瑞典首相以及瑞典议会政党的代表讨论了这个问题。 感谢您们了解我们的需求! 我们正在开始阶段,对我们小伙子进行鹰狮战机的训练。

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