据俄罗斯联邦航空运输局新闻部门称,周三在俄罗斯特维尔地区坠毁一架飞机的乘客名单上有瓦格纳集团领导人叶夫根尼·普里戈任。 事故造成十人死亡,但目前尚不清楚他是否真的在飞机上。 巴西航空工业公司飞机坠毁事件展开调查Wagner Group leader

Source: Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin on passenger list of plane that crashed, killing 10 on board – ABC News

Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was on the passenger list of a plane that crashed in Russia’s Tver region on Wednesday, according to the press service of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

Ten people were killed in the crash, but it is not yet clear whether he was actually on board the plane.

“An investigation has been launched into the crash of the Embraer aircraft, which occurred tonight in the Tver region. According to the list of passengers, among them is the name and surname of Yevgeny Prigozhin,” the department said in a statement.

Among the 10 dead were three crew members and seven passengers. Everyone on board the plane was killed.

Prigozhin is the head of the private paramilitary organization Wagner Group, which played a key role in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine before briefly launching an insurrection against the Russian military in July. Forces loyal to Prigozhin marched toward Moscow, before turning back after several days.

据俄罗斯联邦航空运输局新闻部门称,周三在俄罗斯特维尔地区坠毁一架飞机的乘客名单上有瓦格纳集团领导人叶夫根尼·普里戈任。 事故造成十人死亡,但目前尚不清楚他是否真的在飞机上。 该部门在一份声明中表示:“已经对今晚在特维尔地区发生的巴西航空工业公司飞机坠毁事件展开调查。根据乘客名单,其中有叶夫根尼·普里戈任的名字和姓氏。” 10名死者中包括三名机组人员和七名乘客。飞机上的所有人死亡。


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