在北京聲稱擁有主權的臺灣舉行總統選舉前兩天,中國警告臺灣選民做出「正確的選擇」。中國表示,執政黨候選人賴清德獲勝將對兩岸關系構成危險。在華盛頓警告北京不要在周六投票前加劇緊張局勢後,中國批評了美國的「厚顏無恥的鼓噪」。誰贏得選舉可能會決定推動臺灣進一步接近,或者遠離北京。臺灣是中美爭奪亞洲霸權的關鍵點。 中國臺灣事務辦公室表示,如果賴先生當選,將進一步推動分裂活動。聲明稱,「他將繼續走挑戰『獨立』的邪惡道路……使臺灣遠離和平與繁榮,更加接近戰爭和衰落。」民進黨的賴先生呼籲選民「選擇正確的道路」來維護臺灣的主權。

Source: Taiwan election: China warns voters then condemns US ‘brazen chattering’

China has warned voters in Taiwan to make the “right choice”, two days before presidential elections on the self-ruled island which Beijing claims.

A win for the ruling party candidate William Lai would pose a danger to relations, China said.

It also criticised “brazen chattering” by the US after Washington warned Beijing not to stoke tensions ahead of Saturday’s vote.

Who wins the poll could push the island further towards, or away from, Beijing.

Taiwan is a key flashpoint in the tussle between China and the US for supremacy in Asia.

China’s Taiwan Affairs office said Mr Lai would further promote separatist activities if he were elected.

“[He] would continue to follow the evil path of provoking ‘independence’ and… take Taiwan ever further away from peace and prosperity, and ever closer to war and decline,” it said in a statement.

Mr Lai, of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), has called for voters to “choose the right path” to maintain Taiwan’s sovereignty. His main opponent, Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT), has called Mr Lai a danger to relations with China.



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