業內人士告訴《每日郵報》網站,頂級出版商正在以 1500 萬美元的價格「瘋狂競賽」與被罷免的哈佛大學校長克勞丁·蓋伊 簽訂圖書協議,讓她寫下自己的「真實故事」,詳細描述她在美國最享有特權的大學的神聖殿堂中不可思議的崛起和突然隕落。 圍繞這一醜聞的熱議也引起了好萊塢製片人的興趣,他們正在策劃一部「從頭條新聞中摘取」的故事片。事實上,知情人士透露,事實上,已經有絕密計劃製作一部網絡電視迷你劇,講述海地移民的女兒在哈佛晉升到高層,以及她因反猶太主義和剽竊指控而辭職的「痛苦決定」。


Top publishers are in a ‘frantic race’ to sign ousted Harvard president Claudine Gay to a $15million book deal to have her pen her ‘true story,’ detailing her incredible rise and sudden fall in the hallowed halls of America’s most privileged university, insiders tell DailyMail.com.

The buzz surrounding the scandal has also generated interest among Hollywood producers planning a ‘ripped-from-the-headlines’ feature film. 

In fact there’s already top-secret planning for a network TV mini-series about the daughter of Haitian immigrants’ rise to the top at Harvard and her ‘wrenching decision’ to step down accused of antisemitism and plagiarism, the insiders reveal.

As one powerful producer tells DailyMail.com: ‘The Claudine Gay Story can be this era’s Roots.

‘We see Claudine as having star quality behind those serious-looking black rimmed glasses, and we want to cast the perfect actress to portray her for the starring role,’ the producer reveals. 

业内人士告诉《每日邮报》网站,顶级出版商正在以 1500 万美元的价格“疯狂竞赛”与被罢免的哈佛大学校长克劳丁·盖伊 签订图书协议,让她写下自己的“真实故事”,详细描述她在美国最享有特权的大学的神圣殿堂中不可思议的崛起和突然陨落。





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