希腊拒绝了欧洲盟友帮助乌克兰加强防空系统的压力,称雅典自己需要这些系统。乌克兰总统泽连斯基呼吁再支援七套爱国者导弹或类似的防御系统,以保护其城市和发电厂免受俄罗斯的攻击。但希腊表示,希腊无法提供任何爱国者导弹或 S-300 系统。据报道,西班牙将提供一些爱国者导弹,但不会提供完整的系统。为了应对切尔尼戈夫等脆弱城市以及哈尔科夫和基辅附近的发电设施遭到袭击,北约和欧盟盟友都向西班牙和希腊施压,要求他们帮助乌克兰。


Greece has rejected pressure from European allies to help Ukraine boost its air defences, arguing that Athens needs the systems for itself.

Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky has appealed for another seven Patriots or similar defence batteries to protect its cities and power plants from Russian attack.

But Greece has said it cannot spare any of its Patriot or S-300 systems.

Reports say Spain will supply some Patriot missiles but not a full system.

Spain and Greece have come under pressure to help Ukraine from both Nato and European Union allies, in response to attacks on vulnerable cities including Chernihiv and power facilities in Kharkiv and close to Kyiv.

希腊拒绝了欧洲盟友帮助乌克兰加强防空系统的压力,称雅典自己需要这些系统。乌克兰总统泽连斯基呼吁再支援七套爱国者导弹或类似的防御系统,以保护其城市和发电厂免受俄罗斯的攻击。但希腊表示,希腊无法提供任何爱国者导弹或 S-300 系统。据报道,西班牙将提供一些爱国者导弹,但不会提供完整的系统。为了应对切尔尼戈夫等脆弱城市以及哈尔科夫和基辅附近的发电设施遭到袭击,北约和欧盟盟友都向西班牙和希腊施压,要求他们帮助乌克兰。

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