英国前首相鲍里斯·约翰逊因忘记携带身份证参加英国地方选举投票而被投票站拒之门外。英国媒体周五报道,约翰逊在任期间要求选民出示带照片的身份证,周四,南牛津郡的投票站工作人员告诉他,如果不证明自己的身份,他将无法投票。天空新闻报道称,曾于 2019 年至 2022 年担任保守党首相的约翰逊后来得以投票,并投票给了保守党。


Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was turned away from a polling station after forgetting to bring ID to vote in the U.K.’s local elections.

British media reported Friday that Johnson — who introduced the requirement for voters to provide ID with a photo when he was in office — was told by polling station staff in South Oxfordshire Thursday that he would not be able to vote without proving his identity.

Sky News reported that Johnson, who served as Conservative prime minister from 2019 to 2022, was later able to cast his ballot and that he voted Conservative.

Johnson introduced the Elections Act requiring photo ID in 2022, and the new law was first implemented last year in local elections. But Thursday was the first time large numbers of voters across England and Wales have had to present ID, such as a passport or driving license, to vote.



天空新闻报道称,曾于 2019 年至 2022 年担任保守党首相的约翰逊后来得以投票,并投票给了保守党。

约翰逊在 2022 年提出了《选举法》,要求选民出示带照片的身份证,新法律于去年在地方选举中首次实施。但周四是英格兰和威尔士首次有大量选民必须出示护照或驾驶执照等身份证件才能投票。

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