《乌克兰新闻报》援引乌克兰武装部队总参谋部脸书消息报道,乌克兰武装部队海军摧毁了俄罗斯“科夫罗维茨”号扫雷舰。 过去一天,国防军空军、导弹部队和炮兵袭击了21个人员集中区、1个雷达站和2个敌方防空导弹系统。 过去一天,俄罗斯侵略者战损总计约1,210人。敌军还损失坦克16辆、装甲战车35辆、火炮系统48套、多管火箭系统3套、防空系统2套、作战战术无人机47架、导弹1枚、车辆82辆、特种装备2件。 正如早些时候报道的那样,暂时占领的塞瓦斯托波尔、叶夫帕托里、占科伊、阿米扬斯克和辛菲罗波尔北郊都听到了爆炸声。塞瓦斯托波尔工程湾地区的一艘船只地点发生三起爆炸。

Source: General Staff announces destruction of Russian sea minesweeper ‘Kovrovets’

The Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed the Russian minesweeper ‘Kovrovets’.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported this on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.

Over the past day, the Air Forces, missile forces, and artillery of the Defense Forces hit 21 areas of concentration of personnel, one radar station, and two enemy anti-aircraft missile systems.

In total, over the past day, the combat losses of the Russian invaders, irreversible and sanitary, amounted to about 1,210 people. The enemy also lost 16 tanks, 35 armored combat vehicles, 48 artillery systems, three multiple launch rocket systems, two air defense systems, 47 operational and tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, one missile, 82 vehicles, and two pieces of special equipment.

As reported earlier, explosions were heard in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol, Yevpatorii, Dzhankoi, Armiansk, and on the northern outskirts of Simferopol. Three strikes were recorded at one location, at one of the ships in the area of the Engineering Bay of Sevastopol.

《乌克兰新闻报》援引乌克兰武装部队总参谋部脸书消息报道,乌克兰武装部队海军摧毁了俄罗斯“科夫罗维茨”号扫雷舰。 过去一天,国防军空军、导弹部队和炮兵袭击了21个人员集中区、1个雷达站和2个敌方防空导弹系统。 过去一天,俄罗斯侵略者战损总计约1,210人。敌军还损失坦克16辆、装甲战车35辆、火炮系统48套、多管火箭系统3套、防空系统2套、作战战术无人机47架、导弹1枚、车辆82辆、特种装备2件。 正如早些时候报道的那样,暂时占领的塞瓦斯托波尔、叶夫帕托里、占科伊、阿米扬斯克和辛菲罗波尔北郊都听到了爆炸声。塞瓦斯托波尔工程湾地区的一艘船只地点发生三起爆炸。

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