以下是关于 68 岁伊朗第一副总统穆罕默德·莫赫贝尔一些关键信息。根据伊朗宪法,他预计将在易卜拉欣·莱西直升机失事身亡后成为临时总统。 * 作为临时总统,莫赫贝尔是一个三人委员会的成员,另外还有议会议长和司法机构负责人,该委员会将在总统去世后 50 天内组织新的总统选举。 * 莫赫贝尔出生于 1955 年 9 月 1 日,与莱西一样,被视为与最高领袖阿里·哈梅内伊关系密切,后者对所有国家事务拥有最后决定权。 2021 年,莱西当选总统后,莫赫贝尔成为第一副总统。 * 消息人士当时告诉路透社,莫赫贝尔是10 月访问莫斯科伊朗官员团队的一员,并同意向俄罗斯军方提供地对地导弹和更多无人机。该团队还包括伊朗革命卫队的两名高级官员和最高国家安全委员会的一名官员。 * 莫赫贝尔此前曾担任 Setad 的负责人,这是一家与最高领导人有联系的投资基金。 * 2010年,欧盟将莫赫贝尔列入涉嫌参与“核或弹道导弹活动”而对其实施制裁的个人和实体名单中。两年后,他被从名单中删除。 * 2013 年,美国财政部将 Setad 及其监管的 37 家公司列入受制裁实体名单。 * Setad,全称Setad Ejraiye Farmane Hazrate Emam,即伊玛目命令执行总部,是根据伊斯兰共和国创始人、哈梅内伊的前任阿亚图拉鲁霍拉·霍梅尼发布的命令成立的。它命令助手出售和管理据称在 1979 年伊斯兰革命后的混乱岁月中被遗弃的财产,并将大部分收益用于慈善事业。

Source: Who is Mohammad Mokhber, the man set to become Iran’s interim president? | Reuters

Here are some key facts about Mohammad Mokhber, 68, Iran’s first vice president who, based on the country’s constitution, is expected to become interim president following the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash.
* As interim president, Mokhber is part of a three-person council, along with the speaker of parliament and the head of the judiciary, that will organise a new presidential election within 50 days of the president’s death.
* Born on Sept. 1, 1955, Mokhber, like Raisi, is seen as close to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who has the last say in all matters of state. Mokhber became first vice president in 2021 when Raisi was elected president.
* Mokhber was part of a team of Iranian officials who visited Moscow in October and agreed to supply surface-to-surface missiles and more drones to Russia’s military, sources told Reuters at the time. The team also included two senior officials from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and an official from the Supreme National Security Council.
* Mokhber had previously been head of Setad, an investment fund linked to the supreme leader.
* In 2010, the European Union included Mokhber on a list of individuals and entities it was sanctioning for alleged involvement in “nuclear or ballistic missile activities”. Two years later, it removed him from the list.
* In 2013, the U.S. Treasury Department added Setad and 37 companies it oversaw to a list of sanctioned entities.
* Setad, whose full name is Setad Ejraiye Farmane Hazrate Emam, or the Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam, was set up under an order issued by the founder of the Islamic Republic, Khamenei’s predecessor, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. It ordered aides to sell and manage properties supposedly abandoned in the chaotic years after the 1979 Islamic Revolution and channel the bulk of the proceeds to charity.
以下是关于 68 岁伊朗第一副总统穆罕默德·莫赫贝尔一些关键信息。根据伊朗宪法,他预计将在易卜拉欣·莱西直升机失事身亡后成为临时总统。
* 作为临时总统,莫赫贝尔是一个三人委员会的成员,另外还有议会议长和司法机构负责人,该委员会将在总统去世后 50 天内组织新的总统选举。
* 莫赫贝尔出生于 1955 年 9 月 1 日,与莱西一样,被视为与最高领袖阿里·哈梅内伊关系密切,后者对所有国家事务拥有最后决定权。 2021 年,莱西当选总统后,莫赫贝尔成为第一副总统。
* 消息人士当时告诉路透社,莫赫贝尔是10 月访问莫斯科伊朗官员团队的一员,并同意向俄罗斯军方提供地对地导弹和更多无人机。该团队还包括伊朗革命卫队的两名高级官员和最高国家安全委员会的一名官员。
* 莫赫贝尔此前曾担任 Setad 的负责人,这是一家与最高领导人有联系的投资基金。
* 2010年,欧盟将莫赫贝尔列入涉嫌参与“核或弹道导弹活动”而对其实施制裁的个人和实体名单中。两年后,他被从名单中删除。
* 2013 年,美国财政部将 Setad 及其监管的 37 家公司列入受制裁实体名单。 * Setad,全称Setad Ejraiye Farmane Hazrate Emam,即伊玛目命令执行总部,是根据伊斯兰共和国创始人、哈梅内伊的前任阿亚图拉鲁霍拉·霍梅尼发布的命令成立的。它命令助手出售和管理据称在 1979 年伊斯兰革命后的混乱岁月中被遗弃的财产,并将大部分收益用于慈善事业。
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