
Source: Zelenskyy: Russia Takes Advantage of Lack of Air Defenses | Newsmax.com

Moscow is taking advantage of the lack of both air defenses in Ukraine and reliable capability to destroy Russian launchers, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Thursday following a deadly missile strike on the northeastern city of Kharkiv.

“And this weakness is not ours, but the world’s, which has not dared to deal with terrorists in the way they deserve for three years,” he said on X.

The death toll in Russian missile strikes on Ukraine’s northeastern city of Kharkiv rose to four, with two more people missing, the regional governor said.

Russian troops conducted at least 15 strikes on the city Thursday morning, he added on Telegram.

Russian air defense systems in the southern region of Belgorod destroyed three Olkha and 32 Vampire rockets and three drones launched by Ukraine overnight, the Russian Defense Ministry said Thursday.

The regional governor said earlier that no casualties were reported.

总统弗拉基米尔·泽伦斯基周四在东北部城市哈尔科夫遭受致命导弹袭击后表示,莫斯科正在利用乌克兰缺乏防空系统和可靠能力摧毁俄罗斯发射器的优势。 他在 X 节目中表示:“这个弱点不是我们的,而是全世界的,三年来,世界一直不敢以应有的方式对付恐怖分子。” 乌克兰东北部城市哈尔科夫市州长表示,俄罗斯导弹袭击造成的死亡人数上升至四人,另有两人失踪。 他在 电报频道上补充道,周四上午,俄罗斯军队对该市进行了至少 15 次袭击。 俄罗斯国防部周四表示,俄罗斯在别尔哥罗德南部地区的防空系统摧毁了乌克兰发射的三枚“奥尔卡”火箭和32枚“吸血鬼”火箭以及三架无人机。 该地区州长早些时候表示,没有人员伤亡的报道。
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