
Source: Russian jamming of U.S. weapons in Ukraine forces Pentagon to adjust – The Washington Post

Many U.S.-made satellite-guided ammunitions in Ukraine have failed to withstand Russian jamming technology, prompting Kyiv to stop using certain types of Western-provided armaments after effectiveness rates plummeted, according to senior Ukrainian military officials and confidential internal Ukrainian assessments obtained by The Washington Post.

Russia’s jamming of the guidance systems of modern Western weapons, including Excalibur GPS-guided artillery shells and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, which can fire some U.S.-made rockets with a range of up to 50 miles, has eroded Ukraine’s ability to defend its territory and has left officials in Kyiv urgently seeking help from the Pentagon to obtain upgrades from arms manufacturers.

Russia’s ability to combat the high-tech munitions has far-reaching implications for Ukraine and its Western supporters — potentially providing a blueprint for adversaries such as China and Iran — and it is a key reason Moscow’s forces have regained the initiative and are advancing on the battlefield.

The success rate for the U.S.-designed Excalibur shells, for example, fell sharply over a period of months — to less than 10 percent hitting their targets — before Ukraine’s military abandoned them last year, according to the confidential Ukrainian assessments.

While other news accounts have described Russia’s superior electronic warfare capabilities, the documents obtained by The Post include previously unreported details on the extent to which Russian jamming has thwarted Western weaponry.

“The Excalibur technology in existing versions has lost its potential,” the assessments found, adding that battlefield experience in Ukraine had disproved its reputation as a “one shot, one target” weapon — at least until the Pentagon and U.S. manufacturers address the issue.

乌克兰高级军事官员和《华盛顿邮报》获得的乌克兰内部机密评估称,乌克兰境内许多美国制造的卫星制导弹药未能抵御俄罗斯的干扰技术,导致基辅在有效性大幅下降后停止使用某些类型西方提供的武器。俄罗斯对现代西方武器的制导系统进行干扰,包括Excalibur GPS制导炮弹和高机动火炮导弹系统(HIMARS),该系统可以发射射程可达50英里的一些美国制造导弹,这削弱了乌克兰保卫其领土的能力,基辅官员迫切寻求五角大楼的帮助,以获得武器制造商的升级。 俄罗斯打击高科技弹药的能力对乌克兰及其西方支持者具有深远影响——可能为中国和伊朗等对手提供蓝图——这也是莫斯科军队重新获得主动权并继续在战场推进的一个关键原因。 例如,根据乌克兰的机密评估,美国设计的 Excalibur 炮弹成功率在几个月内急剧下降,击中目标的比例不到 10%,直到乌克兰军方去年放弃这些炮弹。 虽然其他新闻报道描述了俄罗斯卓越的电子战能力,但《华盛顿邮报》获得的文件包括此前未报道过的有关俄罗斯干扰在多大程度上阻碍西方武器装备的细节。 评估发现,“现有版本的 Excalibur 技术已经失去了潜力”,并补充说,乌克兰的战场经验证明它作为“一弹一目标”武器的声誉已破产——至少在五角大楼和美国制造商解决这个问题之前是这样。

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