
Source: Third camp for Russian POWs launched in Ukraine

The new detention camp for prisoners of war, “Center 3”, was deployed in Ukraine.

That’s according to the Hochu Zhyt (I Want to Live) initiative’s Telegram channel, Ukrinform reports.

“Due to the large number of Russians who surrendered and the actual blocking of exchanges by the Russian side, Ukraine is forced to open new detention facilities for prisoners of war. This is probably not the last camp for Russian prisoners of war that to be launched this year,” the report says.

It is noted that the captured Russians are not held in high-security colonies together with convicts, but in camps and special pre-trial detention facilities designed specifically for prisoners of war. POWs are allowed to work, do sports, and have leisure time there.

Unlike Russian prisoners of war, Ukrainians held on Russian soil are deprived of these opportunities, even though Russia is a signatory of the Geneva Conventions, the report emphasizes.

It should be recalled that the West 1 and West 2 detention facilities have been operating in Ukraine prior to the opening of the Center 3 site.

No POW swaps have been held over the past three months.

《乌克兰新闻报》报道,乌克兰部署新的战俘拘留营“3号中心”。消息称,“由于大量俄罗斯人投降,且俄方实际阻止了战俘交流,乌克兰被迫开设新的战俘拘留设施。这可能不是今年最后一个启动的俄罗斯战俘营。”被俘的俄罗斯人并不是与囚犯关押在戒备森严的监狱中,而是关押在专门为战俘设计的营地和特殊审前拘留设施中。战俘可以在那里工作、运动和休闲。 消息强调,与俄罗斯战俘不同,尽管俄罗斯是《日内瓦公约》的签署国,但被关押在俄罗斯领土上的乌克兰人却被剥夺了这些机会。 在“3号中心“站点开放之前,“西1″和”西2″拘留设施已经在乌克兰运营。 过去三个月没有进行过战俘交换。
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