
Source: Bronze statue honoring mutineer Yevgeny Prigozhin appears at St. Petersburg cemetery — Meduza

A monument has been erected in honor of Yevgeny Prigozhin in St. Petersburg at Porokhovskoye Cemetery, where the late mercenary leader and one-time insurrectionist is buried. The installation features a granite obelisk bearing Prigozhin’s name, the dates of his birth and death, and the symbol of his private military company, Wagner Group. There’s also a life-size bronze statue of Prigozhin depicting him with a three-star insignia on his chest. (Russia and the Russian proxy states in Donetsk and Luhansk each awarded Prigozhin heroism medals.)

Sculptor Yaroslav Barkov told the news outlet Fontanka that Prigozhin’s mother “categorically didn’t want a military image” in the monument to her son and insisted on capturing him as a “civilian patriot” whose “soul and heart ached for Russia.” Journalists at Ostozhno, Novosti, have pointed out that the Prigozhin statue is missing the ring finger on his left hand, like Prigozhin in real life.

The memorial’s installation was roughly timed to coincide with Prigozhin’s birthday, June 1.

为了纪念叶夫根尼·普里戈任,人们在圣彼得堡的波罗霍夫斯科耶公墓竖立了一座纪念碑,这位已故雇佣军领袖和曾经的叛乱分子埋葬于此。该纪念碑是花岗岩方尖碑,上面刻有普里戈任名字、他的出生和死亡日期,以及他的私人军事公司瓦格纳集团标志。还有一尊真人大小的普里戈任青铜雕像,胸前佩戴着三星级徽章。 (俄罗斯以及顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克的俄罗斯傀儡国分别授予普里戈任英雄奖章。)

雕塑家雅罗斯拉夫·巴尔科夫(Yaroslav Barkov)告诉新闻媒体丰坦卡(Fontanka),普里戈任的母亲“绝对不希望在儿子的纪念碑上出现军事形象”,并坚持将他描绘成“平民爱国者”,“灵魂和心灵都为俄罗斯而痛苦”。俄罗斯新闻社奥斯托日诺的记者指出,普里戈任雕像左手缺少无名指,就像现实生活中的普里戈任一样。 纪念碑的安装时间大致与普里戈任的生日 6 月 1 日一致。

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