
Source: ADAM COLEMAN reveals why Trump’s guilty verdict will only BOOST his support among black Americans | Daily Mail Online

Trump’s historic conviction will only make it harder for Team Biden to win over black voters, who are already abandoning the Democratic ticket in droves.

And without the overwhelming support of the black America – Biden’s campaign is toast.

Ask any voter – regardless of race – exactly what Trump has been found guilty of and you’re likely to receive a blank stare in response.

That’s because no one – let alone a former president – has ever been prosecuted for this supposed offense.

And, more than most, black Americans know when something smells legally rotten.

The vile legacy of slavery, the cruelty of Jim Crow, the horrors of the Tuskegee experiments and the gross unfairness of the 1994 federal crime bill which triggered a mass incarceration crisis, have all imbued black culture with a deep skepticism of the big state.

Meanwhile, Biden wants black people to believe that he’s their white savior fighting against supposed systematic bias when his justice system – in fact – seems to be part of the problem.

A New York Times/Siena poll in May found that 23 percent of blacks in the six battleground states key to winning the presidency now say that they are leaning towards Trump.

Only 9 percent of black voters backed Trump in the 2020 election.

特朗普的历史性信念只会让拜登团队更难赢得黑人选民的支持,而黑人选民已经成群结队地放弃了民主党的选票。 如果没有美国黑人的压倒性支持,拜登的竞选活动就麻烦了。 如果问任何选民——无论种族如何——特朗普究竟犯了什么罪,你可能会得到茫然的回应。 这是因为没有人——更不用说前总统——曾因这一所谓的罪行而被起诉。 而且,美国黑人比大多数人更清楚什么时候司法发出腐烂气息。 奴隶制的邪恶遗产、吉姆·克劳的残酷、塔斯基吉实验的恐怖,以及引发大规模监禁危机的 1994 年联邦犯罪法案的严重不公平,都让黑人文化对大政府产生了深深的怀疑。 与此同时,拜登希望黑人相信他是他们的白人救世主,与所谓的系统性偏见作斗争,而事实上,他的司法系统似乎是问题的一部分。 《纽约时报》/锡耶纳 5 月份的一项民意调查发现,在赢得总统宝座的六个关键战场州,23% 的黑人现在表示他们倾向于特朗普。 在 2020 年大选中,只有 9% 的黑人选民支持特朗普。

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