英语:南非非国大在具有里程碑意义的选举中失去 30 年的多数席位


The African National Congress party lost its parliamentary majority in a historic election result Saturday that puts South Africa on a new political path for the first time since the end of the apartheid system of white minority rule 30 years ago.

With more than 99% of votes counted, the once-dominant ANC had received just over 40% in Wednesday’s election, well short of the majority it had held since the famed all-race vote of 1994 that ended apartheid and brought it to power under Nelson Mandela. The final results are still to be formally declared by the independent electoral commission that ran the election, but the ANC cannot pass 50%.

At the start of the election, the commission said it would formally declare the results by Sunday, but that could come earlier.

While opposition parties have hailed the result as a momentous breakthrough for a country struggling with deep poverty and inequality, the ANC remained the biggest party by some way. However, it will now likely need to look for a coalition partner or partners to remain in the government and reelect President Cyril Ramaphosa for a second and final term. Parliament elects the South African president after national elections.

周六,非洲国民大会党在历史性的选举中失去了议会多数席位,这是南非自 30 年前白人少数统治的种族隔离制度结束以来首次走上新的政治道路。

在超过 99% 选票统计完毕后,曾经占主导地位的非洲国民大会在周三的选举中仅获得了 40% 多一点的选票,远远低于自 1994 年著名的全种族投票结束种族隔离制度并在纳尔逊·曼德拉的领导下上台以来的多数席位。最终结果仍有待负责选举的独立选举委员会正式宣布,但非洲国民大会的得票率不能超过 50%。


虽然反对党称赞这一结果是这个深陷贫困和不平等的国家取得的重大突破,但非洲国民大会在某种程度上仍然是最大的政党。 然而,现在它可能需要寻找一个或多个联盟伙伴继续执政,并选举西里尔·拉马福萨总统连任第二任期也是最后一任期。议会在全国选举后选举南非总统。

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