
Source: Ukraine’s exports via maritime corridor already reach 50M tonnes

Over the past nine months, a total of 50 million tonnes of goods have been exported via the Ukrainian maritime corridor.

The relevant statement was made by the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) on Facebook, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“Since the first vessel Joseph Shulte sailed through the Ukrainian corridor on August 16, 2023, the Ukrainian Black Sea ports have handled this record volume of cargo [50 million tonnes – Ed.] despite the constant enemy attacks on our critical infrastructure. As of now, 1,737 vessels have been handled,” the report states.

According to the Ukrainian Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development Ministry, through the combined efforts of the Ukrainian government, USPA, international partners and all port industry workers, Ukraine managed to arrange stable agricultural exports by sea.

In April 2024, Ukraine exported 6.6 million tonnes of grain and oilseed crops, which is a record-breaking volume since the Russian full-scale invasion started. In particular, about 5.2 million tonnes was shipped via Ukraine’s Black Sea ports (compared to the peak result of 4.2 million tonnes under the Black Sea Grain Initiative in October 2022). According to experts, this demonstrates Ukraine’s ability to carry out exports on a unilateral basis through its maritime corridor in the Black Sea.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom mentioned that shipping from Ukraine is “highly likely vital for global food security”. Ukraine’s grain exports are expected to reach around 9.7% of the global grain exports between July 2023 and June 2024.

The analysts believe that, while agricultural exports are almost certainly dependent on the Black Sea ports, representing around 78% in volume, other routes remain in use. Ukraine continues to export grain and oilseeds via the Danube River at around 15% by volume, rail at around 6% by volume, and road at under 1% by volume.

A reminder that United States Agency for International Development (USAID) expects Ukraine’s grain exports to grow by about 15% this year.

乌克兰通讯社记者报道,乌克兰海港管理局在脸书宣布,过去9个月,通过乌克兰海上走廊出口的货物总量达5000万吨。报告指出,“自 2023 年 8 月 16 日第一艘船 约瑟夫·舒尔特号驶出乌克兰走廊以来,尽管敌人不断攻击我们的关键基础设施,但乌克兰黑海港口的货物吞吐量仍创下了纪录的5000 万吨。截至目前,已处理 1,737 艘船只。”乌克兰社区、领土和基础设施发展部称,通过乌克兰政府、乌克兰海港管理局、国际合作伙伴和所有港口行业工人的共同努力,乌克兰成功安排了稳定的农产品海运出口。 2024年4月,乌克兰出口了660万吨谷物和油籽作物,这是自俄罗斯全面入侵以来的创纪录的出口量。特别是,约 520 万吨是通过乌克兰黑海港口运输的(相比之下,2022 年 10 月黑海粮食倡议下的峰值为 420 万吨)。专家认为,这表明乌克兰有能力通过其黑海海上走廊单方面进行出口。 早些时候,英国国防部提到,乌克兰的运输“很可能对全球粮食安全至关重要”。 2023年7月至2024年6月期间,乌克兰粮食出口预计将达到全球粮食出口的9.7%左右。 分析师认为,虽然农产品出口几乎肯定依赖黑海港口(约占出口量的 78%),但其他路线仍在使用。乌克兰继续通过多瑙河出口谷物和油籽,出口量约为 15%,铁路出口量约为 6%,公路出口量低于 1%。 美国国际开发署(USAID)预计乌克兰今年粮食出口将增长约15%。

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